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How to change custome session and store it hardly #9380

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kansoftware created

I created custom session using claim. check my complete code related to it.

First i created CustomeSession

namespace Ksoft.Authorization
   public class CustomSession : ClaimsAbpSession, ITransientDependency
        public CustomSession(
        IPrincipalAccessor principalAccessor,
        IMultiTenancyConfig multiTenancy,
        ITenantResolver tenantResolver,
        IAmbientScopeProvider<SessionOverride> sessionOverrideScopeProvider) :
        base(principalAccessor, multiTenancy, tenantResolver, sessionOverrideScopeProvider)


        public string FinancialYear
                var financialYearClaim = PrincipalAccessor.Principal?.Claims.
                    FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "Application_UserFinancial");
                if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(financialYearClaim?.Value)) {                    
                    return null;
                return financialYearClaim.Value;


Then created CreateAsync override in UserClaimsPrincipalFactory.cs

        public override async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateAsync(User user)
            var claim = await base.CreateAsync(user);       
            var TenantId = user.TenantId;
            long financialYearId = 0;
            var financialList = await _financialYearRepository.GetAllListAsync(c => c.TenantId == TenantId && 
            Clock.Now.Date >= c.FromMonth.Date && Clock.Now.Date <= c.EndMonth.Date);

            if (financialList != null && financialList.Count > 0)
                financialYearId = financialList[0].Id;

            claim.Identities.First().AddClaim(new Claim("Application_UserFinancial", financialYearId.ToString()));


            return claim;

And i am getting this session value in one off service by code. In this code i fatch current value in sseion and set it current financial in model and fill drodown with selected accorrding to current financial Code

        public async Task<List<GetFinancialYearGlobalDto>> FillFinancialYearGlobal()
            var ap = _principalAccessor.Principal.Claims;
            var apValue = ap.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "Application_UserFinancial").Value;
            var financialYr = Convert.ToInt64(apValue);

            var financialList = _financialYearRepository.GetAll().
                Select(C => new GetFinancialYearGlobalDto
                    FinancialYear = new FinancialYearDto
                        Id = C.Id,
                        EndMonth = C.EndMonth,
                        FromMonth = C.FromMonth,
                        YearName = C.YearName
                    CurrentFinancial = (C.Id == financialYr ? true : false)

            return financialList;

Now i want to update this claim value after change the option from dropdown and refresh the page. So i just tring this code. in this code claim value is updated but it again replaced by initail value from UserClaimsPrincipalFactory just after page refreshed. I do not get recently change value.


    public async Task UpdateFinancialYearSession(long id)
            AddUpdateClaim("Application_UserFinancial", id.ToString());

            public void AddUpdateClaim(string key, string value)

            var identity = _principalAccessor.Principal.Identity as ClaimsIdentity;
            if (identity == null)

            // check for existing claim and remove it
            var existingClaim = identity.FindFirst(key);
            if (existingClaim != null)

            // add new claim
            identity.AddClaim(new Claim(key, value));                   


Is any other alternate work plz share


5 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team


    The changes to the AddUpdateClaim method will not work. You may consider storing this value in the cache. Refresh or remove the cache when necessary.

  • User Avatar
    kansoftware created


    So I dont need to add fucntion in UserClaimsPrincipalFactory ?? i need to save value as user login at where i can do this. and how to update it.

    Any code available for the reference ? Do you have complete code to achive this session work.

  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    So I dont need to add fucntion in UserClaimsPrincipalFactory ??


    You may consider storing this value in the cache. Refresh or remove the cache when necessary.

  • User Avatar
    kansoftware created

    At where i write the code?? At accountControler I need to set cache initailly just after user logged-In

  • User Avatar
    kansoftware created

    Issue resolved, Thanks