easyest created
In ITenantAppService there are methods, that do not have return value:
Task CreateTenant(CreateTenantInput input);
Task UpdateTenant(TenantEditDto input);
But in IOrganizationUnitAppService the same methods do have a return value:
Task<OrganizationUnitDto> CreateOrganizationUnit(CreateOrganizationUnitInput input);
Task<OrganizationUnitDto> UpdateOrganizationUnit(UpdateOrganizationUnitInput input);
I do no see any difference in usage of those methods from angular. Could You explain, why they are different?
1 Answer(s)
There is a difference on usage. For organization unit, we are using return value of update/create method to update it on the organization tree.
You can see it in createOrEditUnitModal.js:
organizationUnitService .createOrganizationUnit(vm.organizationUnit) .success(function(result) { abp.notify.info(app.localize('SavedSuccessfully')); $uibModalInstance.close(result); });
It returns the result back to the main page (index.js). And the main page updates the tree (See vm.organizationTree.addUnit function for details)