What is your product version? AspNetZero v8.6
What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core
What is ABP Framework version? AbpBoilerplate v5.6
I made a new component in my module to perform importing excel file. That I based on src/app/admin/users/users.component.ts.
I keep the original configuration about AbpHttpInterceptor ONLY in ServiceProxy module.
My component has not been intercepted by AbpHttpInterceptor, so the request does not have the Bearer token, and failed.
But, users.component.ts has been intercepted so it had token, and successfully done.
Please help me to explain how the request in user component is intercepted, but mine hasn't?
*Both Admin module and MyModule module both do not import AbpHttpInterceptor.
2 Answer(s)
Could you @ismcagdas help me to explain how the Import Excel Request of User component can be intercepted by abpHttpInterceptor? Although AbpHttpInterceptor is only declared in Service Proxy module (v8.6).
You can either add these two lines to your module which contains the component you are having problems with;
Or you can manually add token to request headers by getting the token using