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OpenId Connect issue with Angular solution #9657

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henriksorensen created

Product Version 9.1 Angular .Net Core ABP version 51.5

<br> And I am unable to configure the grant type / Response type in the OpenId configuring section. I'm able to configure ClientId, Client Secret etc. but not grant type. I want use Granttype = code. It looks like Angular is using grant type = "hybrid" by default. Please confirm?

I'm able to configure/code the same in the .Web.Startup.AuthConfigurer class in the MVC version of Asp.Net Zero (my demo solution). Like this

authenticationBuilder.AddOpenIdConnect(options => { options.ClientId = configuration["Authentication:OpenId:ClientId"]; options.Authority = configuration["Authentication:OpenId:Authority"]; options.SignedOutRedirectUri = configuration["App:WebSiteRootAddress"] + "Account/Logout"; options.ResponseType = OpenIdConnectResponseType.Code; // Grantstype = code

But I can't find a similar way for the angular solution? Please assist

Best regards Tom

My Configuration:

AllowSocialLoginSettingsPerTenant = true and "OpenId": { "IsEnabled": "true", "Authority": "https://localhost:44313", "LoginUrl": "https://localhost:44313/Account/Login?", "ClientId": "my-webclient", "ClientSecret": "XYZ", "ValidateIssuer": "false", "ClaimsMapping": [ { "claim": "", "key": "" } ] },

IdentityServer4 3.1 running on "https://localhost: 44313" with "my-webclient" like this "AllowedGrantTypes": [ "authorization_code" ], "RequirePkce": true,

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