ASP.NET CORE & Angular .NET 5.0 v10.0.0
Downloaded a brand new project .
Using the Power tools created a new entity with two properties ( required) , Used the option Create Non-Modal CRUD page.
Generated and run the application however the validation of the required fields doesn't work.
The applicaiton shows a Saved Succesfully but doesn't show errors abour the fields been required. Also there is no Form tag in the html ( not sure if this was intentional or a bug)
14 Answer(s)
Hi @christianharo
Thanks, we will check this in a short time.
Created an issue about it. You can follow the progress in here:
Hi @christianharo
I check it and it is by design. By default, if you do not enter a value to nonnullable property, the default value is set. -
Well no value es set as the record does not get created. And the message says created succesfully.
Hi @christianharo
Could you share the entity json with us ? You can find it under "aspnet-core\AspNetZeroRadTool" of your project.
I do not see an entity json file in that directory.
iIf you are refering to the templates please let me know. Thanks
if you are refering to the entity i am working on ths will be the file:
"IsRegenerate": false,
"MenuPosition": "main",
"RelativeNamespace": "CcmMain",
"EntityName": "Schedule",
"EntityNamePlural": "Schedules",
"TableName": "Schedules",
"PrimaryKeyType": "int",
"BaseClass": "Entity",
"EntityHistory": false,
"AutoMigration": true,
"UpdateDatabase": true,
"CreateUserInterface": true,
"CreateViewOnly": true,
"CreateExcelExport": false,
"IsNonModalCRUDPage": true,
"IsMasterDetailPage": false,
"PagePermission": {
"Host": true,
"Tenant": true
"Properties": [
"Name": "ScheduleName",
"Type": "string",
"MaxLength": 150,
"MinLength": 1,
"Range": {
"IsRangeSet": false,
"MinimumValue": 0.0,
"MaximumValue": 0.0
"Required": true,
"Nullable": false,
"Regex": "",
"UserInterface": {
"AdvancedFilter": true,
"List": true,
"CreateOrUpdate": true
"Name": "ScheduleType",
"Type": "string",
"MaxLength": 150,
"MinLength": 1,
"Range": {
"IsRangeSet": false,
"MinimumValue": 0.0,
"MaximumValue": 0.0
"Required": true,
"Nullable": false,
"Regex": "",
"UserInterface": {
"AdvancedFilter": true,
"List": true,
"CreateOrUpdate": true
"NavigationProperties": [],
"NavigationPropertyOneToManyTables": [],
"EnumDefinitions": [],
"DbContext": null
} -
Hi @christianharo
Thanks, yes, this is the one I'm takling about. We will check it.
Hi @christianharo
It is fixed, it will be included to next rad tool release.
Here is the solution
Thank you @musa.demir for the solution. Any idea when the new release of the tools will be in place ?
Hi @christianharo
It is planned for 2020-12-17.
Unfourtunately the error still exist in the new version. I am workin in the lates version now 10.2 however if there is a valitation error the button wont refresh shows saving and the ...
Hi @christianharo,
Thanks, we will check this.
Hi @christianharo
Sory about that. It is fixed now, it will be included to next rad tool release.
Until that, you can fix it manually:this._xxProxy.createOrEdit(this.xxEntity) .pipe(finalize(() => {//add that pipe this.saving = false; })) .subscribe((x) => { this.saving = false;'SavedSuccessfully')); this._router.navigate(['/app/main/xxNamespace/xxEntity']); });