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Notifications being sent to deleted user accounts #9925

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ebenzle created

version 8.1.0
.net Core

I noticed that when using excludedUserIds for _notificationPublisher.PublicAsync() we are having notifications sent to deleted users. I believe this is a bug within ABP code.

Looking at the Database, after a user is deleted their notification settings still remain in AbpNotificationSubscriptions
DefaultNotificationDistributer then calls GetUsersAsync() which gets all the NotificationSubscriptions, including for any deleted users.
The result is that SendNotifications() in CustomRealTimeNotifier.cs is passed a list of users that includes deleted accounts.

I think the issue is somewhere in NotificationStore.cs. This seems to be where Abp code is returning the deleted users.

Here is my code that ultimately results in notifications being sent to deleted user accounts:

Am I doing something wrong? Or is there an issue with the Abp notification that needs to be fixed?


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