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Sometimes an iframe on a page displays all content as invisible #9951

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staffing created

System Configuration

  • What is your product version?

  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)?

  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)?
    .Net Core 3.1


  • Which theme are you using?
    Default with Light skin

  • What are the theme settings?
    Most settings are as default - I copied them in the next post here.


One of our pages has an iframe, which displays web pages from a subdomain (old VB.NET WebForms 4.0 site):

The pageUrl variable is changed by clicking on items in a navigation bar in the Angular app. Each of those items has a different value for the pageUrl.

This architecture works quite well the first 10-15 clicks on items in the navigation. After that, each click on a navigation item downloads the requested page successfully (browser's Network tab shows HTTP 200 and the actual ASPX response) but the iframe does not draw the content. The whole iframe content stays invisible (white), although loaded. This is experienced in latest Edge, Chrome (both confermed by me), and Safari (reported by a client).

There are a few symptoms that I think are important:

  1. If I click and do not move the mouse, I see the web request fulfilled and the page stays white until I move the mouse over the iframe. The iframe content can stay white for a as long as I don't move the over.

  2. When the page appears after the mouse hover, there is no activity in the Network tab and is definitely triggered by the mouse movement.

  3. This "white page" effect happens even with ASPX pages that I have visited before and were displayed properly.

  4. If somehow I move my mouse inside the iframe without triggering the redraw, I can see the mouse cursor changing when I go over a link or another element that has different cursor in the CSS.

The issue is most certainly in the Angular side as the pages may load properly and only the hover would display them.

There is nothing custom on our menu, CSS, or Angular for this behaviour to happen.

4 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    staffing created

    Here are the exported UI settings:

    theme9.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	False
    theme9.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme9.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme3.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	True
    theme3.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme3.App.UiManagement.SubHeader.Fixed	False
    theme3.App.UiManagement.SubHeader.Style	NULL
    theme3.App.UiManagement.Footer.FixedFooter	False
    theme3.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme5.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	True
    theme5.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme5.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme6.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	True
    theme6.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme6.App.UiManagement.SubHeader.Fixed	False
    theme6.App.UiManagement.SubHeader.Style	NULL
    theme6.App.UiManagement.Footer.FixedFooter	False
    theme6.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme7.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	False
    theme7.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme7.App.UiManagement.SubHeader.Fixed	False
    theme7.App.UiManagement.SubHeader.Style	NULL
    theme7.App.UiManagement.Footer.FixedFooter	False
    theme7.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme8.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	True
    theme8.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme8.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme10.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	True
    theme10.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme10.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme11.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme11.App.UiManagement.Left.FixedAside	True
    theme11.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme2.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	True
    theme2.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme2.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    theme4.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	True
    theme4.App.UiManagement.Header.MobileFixedHeader	False
    theme4.App.UiManagement.MenuSearch	False
    default.App.UiManagement.Left.AsideSkin	dark
    default.App.UiManagement.SubHeader.Fixed	False
    default.App.UiManagement.Header.DesktopFixedHeader	False
    Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguageName	en-AU
    Abp.Localization.DefaultLanguageName	en-AU
    ExternalLoginProvider.Facebook.IsDeactivated	False
    ExternalLoginProvider.Google.IsDeactivated	False
    ExternalLoginProvider.Twitter.IsDeactivated	False
    ExternalLoginProvider.Microsoft.IsDeactivated	False
    ExternalLoginProvider.OpenIdConnect.IsDeactivated	False
    ExternalLoginProvider.WsFederation.IsDeactivated	False
    App.UserManagement.SessionTimeOut.TimeOutSecond	298
    App.UserManagement.SessionTimeOut.ShowLockScreenWhenTimedOut	False
    App.DashboardCustomization.Configuration.Angular	[{"DashboardName":"HostDashboard","Pages":[{"Id":"Pagefd5260c66782442890b424cb479fd4d0","Name":"Default Page","Widgets":[{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Host_TopStats","Height":4,"Width":12,"PositionX":0,"PositionY":0},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Host_IncomeStatistics","Height":8,"Width":7,"PositionX":0,"PositionY":4},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Host_RecentTenants","Height":9,"Width":5,"PositionX":7,"PositionY":12},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Host_SubscriptionExpiringTenants","Height":9,"Width":7,"PositionX":0,"PositionY":12},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Host_EditionStatistics","Height":8,"Width":5,"PositionX":7,"PositionY":4}]}]},{"DashboardName":"TenantDashboard","Pages":[{"Id":"Pageed2e0b986ce74baeb48dccd1ea0d8047","Name":"Default Page","Widgets":[{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Tenant_TopStats","Height":4,"Width":12,"PositionX":0,"PositionY":0},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Tenant_SalesSummary","Height":12,"Width":6,"PositionX":0,"PositionY":4},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Tenant_RegionalStats","Height":12,"Width":6,"PositionX":6,"PositionY":4},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Tenant_GeneralStats","Height":8,"Width":6,"PositionX":0,"PositionY":16},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Tenant_DailySales","Height":8,"Width":6,"PositionX":6,"PositionY":16},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Tenant_ProfitShare","Height":11,"Width":6,"PositionX":0,"PositionY":24},{"WidgetId":"Widgets_Tenant_MemberActivity","Height":11,"Width":6,"PositionX":6,"PositionY":24}]}]}]
    Abp.Zero.UserManagement.UserLockOut.DefaultAccountLockoutSeconds	303
  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @staffing

    1. Could you share your typescript code as well ?

    2. Could this be happening for specific ASPX pages ? Did you try it in that way ?


  • User Avatar
    staffing created

    1. Here is the TS code:

    import { Component, HostListener, Injector, Input, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
    import { BasicReportFilters } from '@app/shared/reports/basic-report-filters';
    import { ReportingModalComponent } from '@app/shared/reports/reporting/reporting-modal.component';
    import { appModuleAnimation } from '@shared/animations/routerTransition';
    import { AppConsts } from '@shared/AppConsts';
    import { AppComponentBase } from '@shared/common/app-component-base';
    import { INameValueDto } from '@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies';
    import { LocalStorageService } from '@shared/utils/local-storage.service';
        selector: 'aspx-modal',
        templateUrl: './aspx-modal.component.html',
        animations: [appModuleAnimation()]
    export class AspxModalComponent extends AppComponentBase implements OnInit {
        @ViewChild('reportingModal', { static: true }) reportingModal: ReportingModalComponent;
        @Input() pagePath: string;
        baseUrl = AppConsts.aspxBaseUrl;
        pageUrl = '';
            injector: Injector,
            private _localStorageService: LocalStorageService,
        ) {
        ngOnInit(): void {
            let self = this;
            this._localStorageService.getItem(AppConsts.myT, function (err, value) {
                self.pageUrl = self.baseUrl + self.pagePath + '?t=' + value;
        @HostListener('window:message', ['$event']) onMessageReceived(event: any): void {
            // Check origin
            if (event.origin !== this.baseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '')) {
                console.warn('A message came from some site we don\'t know. We\'re not processing it.');
            const payload =;
            switch (payload.command) {
                case 'abc':
                    // do something

    2. I cannot see a relation between the ASPX page and the issue yet. That is why I mentioned that some pages may load properly in the first few clicks and then stop drawing in the next ones.

  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    We can offer you a few options.

    1. You can disable animations on the modal and try again.

    2. use ngAfterViewInit in your modal instead of ngOnInit.

    3. Use below code in your ngAfterViewInit.

     ngAfterViewInit(): void {
            let self = this;
            this._localStorageService.getItem(AppConsts.myT, function (err, value) {
                self.pageUrl = self.baseUrl + self.pagePath + '?t=' + value;
                const cdRef = self.injector.get(ChangeDetectorRef);
    1. You can use ngIf in your iframe

    1. If none works, you can try it in a setTimeout

     ngAfterViewInit(): void {
          setTimeout(() => {
            let self = this;
            this._localStorageService.getItem(AppConsts.myT, function (err, value) {
                self.pageUrl = self.baseUrl + self.pagePath + '?t=' + value;
                const cdRef = self.injector.get(ChangeDetectorRef);
          }, 0);