Hello ANZ Team,
Is there a way to accomplish the above subject matter? I have created an entity using the power tools extension and was expecting when I create a property with a byte data type it will be assigned to an image or picture control during UI generation. If this is not the case, is there a recommend approach in doing so?
Please advise. Thank you.
Hello ANZ Team,
I just upgraded to the latest release 8.8 using Angular+Core project. I tried creating a simple entity using my existing project after the upgrade as well as a clean install of 8.8 but both result to this error below.
ERROR in src/app/admin/app/countries/countries.component.ts:99:14 - error TS2339: Property 'entityTypeHistoryModal' does not exist on type 'CountriesComponent'. 99 this.entityTypeHistoryModal.show({ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The difference is that I ticked the Create Master-Detail Page checkbox from the Power Tools dialog window, which I believe is the feature Added Non-Modal CRUD pages generation to Power Tools and I wanted to try it out.
Am I doing something wrong?
Hello ANZ Team,
I am on Angular + Core v8.2 and the Chat badge keeps coming back even though I have read all chat messages from my list. Would you know what's causing this please?
Thank you!
Hello ANZ Team,
I am using hangfire for my background tasks. I have created 8 tasks and at the moment they are all idle until their scheduled exection. My app is deployed to azure and I am noticing in my application insights >> live metrics that the CPU is spiking for above 50% whenever I switch between tabs in the hangfire portal. More precisely in the Recurring Jobs tab. I would understand if there are running jobs but there is none. And my app service is idle too since there are no operations running at the moment. My questions is why is that happening? Have you come across such issue?
Please advise.
Hello ANZ Team,
As per this ticket https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/7821 we are facing the same situation whereby impersonation does not work anymore when we scaled out our app service from a single server to multiple servers. As per advise, redis cache is recommended. Is this a built-in feature in ANZ?
Thank you!
Hello ANZ Team,
Is it possible to have a feature that can be assigned to a role per tenant? If so, can you stir me in the right direction please?
Thank you!
Hello ANZ Team,
I downloaded a vanilla copy of my project using the latest version from my account with a project in ASP.NET Core and Angular v8.4 but for some reason when I tried to add an entity using the RAD Tool and option to track entity history is no longer allowing me to check the box. It says my project does not support it? Attached is a screenshot.
Please advise.
Thank you!
Hello ANZ Team,
I would like to understand how to enable this new feature in 8,2?
Please advise. Thank you.
Hello ANZ Team,
I would like to seek guidance if there is a common approach in creating static data like in the Roles management. I would like to implement the same thing to my other entities and was wondering if there are built-in functions already that I can inherit from or do you have some sort of documentation that I can follow?
Thank you!