Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Abaco"

I noticed you guys have a rename.ps1 in the project that allows for renaming of the solution and related projects, but I'm wondering about the license attribution to the original name. Do we need to update the name of the project somewhere else in order for the license to still work with the new name?

Ok, I missed one important piece of information from the instructions:

Remove all migration classes (including DbContextModelSnapshot) under *.EntityFrameworkCore/Migrations folder;

Ok, just did and the migration that gets created isn't a valid one. It starts with dropping FK constraints that dont even exist since the db is empty:

We just licensed ASP.NET Zero for a new project and configured it to use a MySQL db as documented but when trying to run the existing migrations that ship with the project either using the Migrator project, package manager console or the dotnet cli (with the ef addon) we get errors that the syntax and data types being used on the existing migrations is not compatible with MySQL since they seem to have been coded for SQL Server. Examples: datetime2, nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) to name a few.

Is there an easier way other than modifying all of those migrations to be MySQL compatible to get the initial set of entities, indexes, etc created for a project?

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