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Activities of "AidanCostcoAU"

In WebConsts changed: HangfireDashboardEnabled = true;

We have also added some additional job queues in startup.cs, but otherwise using existing code

if (WebConsts.HangfireDashboardEnabled)
            //Hangfire dashboard &server(Enable to use Hangfire instead of default job manager)
            app.UseHangfireDashboard(WebConsts.HangfireDashboardEndPoint, new DashboardOptions
                Authorization = new[] { new AbpHangfireAuthorizationFilter(AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_HangfireDashboard) }
            //axg add our own job queues by setting custom options
            var options = new BackgroundJobServerOptions
                Queues = new [] {"acereporting","fuelreporting", "fuel", "default"}

In prod we are on 6.8, but I get the same results testing with 7.3.1

@peopleteq How did you end up handling this? I have a similar issue.

thanks for that We haven't seen that particular error (yet), but will follow your changes to be safe.

Looking at our checkin history the change to the base AppServiceClass MainTemplate.txt appeared around July.

It looks like GetAll and Get....ToExcel have similar changes

This is how a snippet of code looks in our custom 6.8 GetAll server code looks today (which uses ObjectMapper):

    var results = (from o in selectedGIFuelTransactionTrackings
                     select new GetGIFuelTransactionTrackingForViewDto() { GIFuelTransactionTracking = ObjectMapper.Map<GIFuelTransactionTrackingDto>(o)

This is a similar part of the code generated in 7.2.2, which shows the field by field mapping:

var giFuelTransactionTrackings = from o in pagedAndFilteredGIFuelTransactionTrackings
                     select new GetGIFuelTransactionTrackingForViewDto() {
						GIFuelTransactionTracking = new GIFuelTransactionTrackingDto
                            SourceTran = o.SourceTran,
                            Location = o.Location,
                            ValidationStatus = o.ValidationStatus,
                            TranSeqStatus = o.TranSeqStatus,
                            FCCSeqStatus = o.FCCSeqStatus,
                            PreAuthAmtStatus = o.PreAuthAmtStatus,
                            STANStatus = o.STANStatus,
                            SiteIdStatus = o.SiteIdStatus,
                            PumpStatus = o.PumpStatus,
                            HoseStatus = o.HoseStatus,
                            GradeStatus = o.GradeStatus,
                            PriceStatus = o.PriceStatus,
                            VolumeStatus = o.VolumeStatus,
                            SaleAmtStatus = o.SaleAmtStatus,
                            SaleMathStatus = o.SaleMathStatus,
                            MemberIdStatus = o.MemberIdStatus,
                            PANStatus = o.PANStatus,
                            Annotation = o.Annotation,
                            Updated = o.Updated,
                            FuelSystemType = o.FuelSystemType,
                            Id = o.Id

OK. i'll do that.

I think you are on the right track with your comment on 1538.

As I see it now, if a token holder calls Logout, then related entries in this table are cleared, but the entries are left behind whenever connections are simply terminated.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but it should be safe to schedule a data maintenance task to remove any records referring to tokens which have clearly expired?

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