ASP.NET CORE MVC & JQuery v12.0.1 .NET 7
@ismcagdas - Do you know if there was any task ever completed for this? We are getting very similar behaviour. Edition feature settings (in particular checkboxs) are not correctly updating. Some peculiarities with only updating if a text field setting is also updated.
I can debug it as far as the EditionManager:
public virtual Task SetFeatureValueAsync(int editionId, string featureName, string value)
return _featureValueStore.SetEditionFeatureValueAsync(editionId, featureName, value);
But then lose the trail into ABP Source code.
It seems the value is not correctly being inserted into the [AbpFeatures] table.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Ensure you have a edition feature checkbox setting. 2. Edit an edition and change just the checkbox setting. 3. Save and re-open the edition modal. The value will not be updated
Thank you
Thanks once again @ismcagdas
I was looking at which gives a different URL (api/payment/stripe/webhook):
Now that I am listening to Stripe/Webhooks it's working as expected.
Thanks for your ongoing support. Highly appreciated.
Kind regards
For anyone else getting the same:
Thanks @ismcagdas, that has resolved the issue, many thanks!
@marble68 - Did you get to the bottom of this error? We are getting the exact same thing after upgrading: Could not load type 'Castle.Core.Pair`2' from assembly 'Castle.Core, Version=,
I have just sent an email with the zipped mvc project.
I have removed the files and tried npm install and npm run create-bundles, same result.
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