Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Astech"

Is there any reason why we could not consolidate there attributes and just have one for system wide authorization? Or is it necessary to use a different one in the MVC project to the application service?


I'm trying to access a string from this object property:

"#if(" + (IsGranted("#=EntitySearch.ViewPermissionName#")).ToString().ToLower() + "){#" +

But I'm getting the following error as it's trying to search for the literal string instead of the property.

Abp.AbpException: There is no permission with name: #=EntitySearch.ViewPermissionName#

This works fine so I'm wondering if it's the IsGranted wrapper breaking it?

"#=EditModalButtonTemplate('EntitySearch.EditModalFunctionName', EntitySearch.Id)#"

The full grid:

                        .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                            .Transport(transport =>  { transport.Read(read => read.Url(@Url.Action("Search_Read", "Searches")).DataType("json").Data("additionalData")); })
                            .Schema(schema => { schema.Model(m => m.Id("EntitySearchModel.Id")); schema.Data("Result.Result.Data").Total("Result.Result.Total"); })
                        .Columns(columns =>
                            columns.Bound(p => p.EntitySearch.Id).Title(" ").Filterable(false).Sortable(false).IncludeInMenu(false).HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "actions-column-cell" }).ClientTemplate(

                            "#if(" + (IsGranted("#=EntitySearch.ViewPermissionName#")).ToString().ToLower() + "){#" +

                            "#=ViewLinkButtonTemplate('" + @Url.Action("EntitySearch.ControllerViewFunctionName", "EntitySearch.ControllerName") + "', EntitySearch.Id" + ")#" +

                            "#}" +

                            "#=EditModalButtonTemplate('EntitySearch.EditModalFunctionName', EntitySearch.Id)#" +

                            "#=HistoryModalButtonTemplate(EntitySearch.Id, EntitySearch.Name, '" + @EntityTypeFullNames.Team.ToString() + "')#");

                            columns.Bound(p => p.EntitySearch.Id).IncludeInMenu(false);
                            columns.Bound(p => p.EntitySearch.SearchTypeDisplayName).IncludeInMenu(false);
                            columns.Bound(p => p.EntitySearch.Name).IncludeInMenu(false);
                        .Events(events => events.DataBound("onDataBound"))
                        .NoRecords(x => x.Template("<div class='empty-grid'>" + string.Format(@L("NoSomethingFound"),@L("CompletedActions").ToLower()) + "</div>"))


We are trying to map an object with its child collection:

This always used to work, however all of a sudden we cannot map child collections. Can anyone help?

We have the following file loading on every page load. It is incredibly large and causing long delays. Can anyone shine a light on why this is needed, why it is so large and what we can do to rectify the situation please? Thank you. (Image alt text: /AbpServiceProxies/GetAll - 59MB)

We are using MicrosoftIdentity and Microsoft Graph to sign in our users: MVC Project - AuthConfigurer: Everything is working fine, users can sign in, use Graph and [AbpUserLogins] is being populated: But [AbpUserTokens] is not being populated with the access token:

I have tried to insert the token manually, but the constructor for UserToken is protected:

Can anyone tell me how we should be putting the token into AbpUserTokens? We can create our own similar table to do the same thing but seems unnecesary if there is already the functioanlity to push the access tokens in in ABP.



With the people behind Moment.js even advising against using it, are there any plans to remove from ASP Net Zero? Or could be remove ourselves without any significant loss in functionality around subscriptions, notifications etc? The payload of both moment with locales and data are causing our bundle size to be much larger than it should be.


We are trying to get Graph integrated into our version 12 ABP ASP Net Zero (.Net Core MVC)

We have AD working fine after following method 2 of the following:

Our Configure method in AuthConfigurer looks like so:

And our app settings:

However, when we call the graphclient, for example:

We get the following error: ---> System.InvalidOperationException: IDW10503: Cannot determine the cloud Instance. The provided authentication scheme was ''. Microsoft.Identity.Web inferred 'Identity.Application' as the authentication scheme. Available authentication schemes are 'Identity.Application,Identity.External,Identity.TwoFactorRememberMe,Identity.TwoFactorUserId,idsrv,idsrv.external,Cookies,OpenIdConnect,Bearer,IdentityBearerIdentityServerAuthenticationJwt,IdentityBearerIdentityServerAuthenticationIntrospection,IdentityBearer'. See at Microsoft.Identity.Web.TokenAcquisitionAspnetCoreHost.GetOptions(String authenticationScheme, String& effectiveAuthenticationScheme) at Microsoft.Identity.Web.TokenAcquisition.GetAuthenticationResultForUserAsync(IEnumerable1 scopes, String authenticationScheme, String tenantId, String userFlow, ClaimsPrincipal user, TokenAcquisitionOptions tokenAcquisitionOptions) at Microsoft.Identity.Web.DefaultAuthorizationHeaderProvider.CreateAuthorizationHeaderForUserAsync(IEnumerable1 scopes, AuthorizationHeaderProviderOptions downstreamApiOptions, ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

The AD part is working fine and a user can create a account and login with their Microsoft account. It is just the Graph part that is not working. Anyone any ideas? Thanks

ASP.NET CORE MVC & JQuery v12.0.1 .NET 7

Edition feature settings are not saved when setting the value back to it's default value.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Ensure you have an edition with at least one feature with a default value (for example, enable chat with a default value of true):
  2. Edit an edition and change the setting to false.
  3. Edit the edition again and change back to true (default value). The setting does not get saved. The same applies when setting textboxes etc. back to their default values.

Having to remove the default values from AppFeatureProvider to get around this which is far from ideal. Especially when evaluating a feature setting that hasnt had a value saved against it yet.

I can debug it as far as the EditionManager: public virtual Task SetFeatureValueAsync(int editionId, string featureName, string value) { return _featureValueStore.SetEditionFeatureValueAsync(editionId, featureName, value); } But then lose the trail into ABP Source code.

Thank you

We are on ABP 7.3.0 running Zero version 10.4.0 trying to get Stripe integration working. All going well up to "Please Wait Receiving payment result. Please Wait" where it then gets stuck. The errors occur when moving through the stripe payment screens. You will see we have tried both: http://default.localhost:44302/api/payment/stripe/webhook and http://localhost:44302/api/payment/stripe/webhook as the listening api

We have added the WebhookSecret to theapplication.config.

Has anyone any ideas what we could be missing?

One thing we noticed is we cannot see the api/payment/stripe/webhook route in swagger: Should we be able to?



Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? ASP.NET Zero v10.4.0
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? MVC
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? . NET Core

If issue related with ABP Framework

  • What is ABP Framework version? 7.3.0

<br> Hi,

We are experiencing an issue with the Recent Notifications box whereby clicking "Set all as read" does not set notifications to read.

In this example, there are 47 notifications as you can see:-

The code in question is contained in the following folder/file: "Web.Mvc\wwwroot\view-resources\Areas\App\Views\Layout\_Header.js".  When the code is debugged and "Set all as read" is clicked, the execution stops at the breakpoint here:-

Stepping the execution on using F11, the code from line 142 onwards is never executed and consequently the notifications are never set to read.

We haven't modified the original code.

Could you advise please?

Many thanks,


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