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Activities of "BlueBrackets"


I'm using the MVC core template and try to implement FluentValidation. I've installed the package Abp.FluentValidation and set the DependsOn attribute for the type AbpFluentValidationModule at the WebCoreModule class.

I've added the validator class below for the input class of a service but seems not to validate, any value for NumberOfUnits is valid.

class CreateOrEditUnitDtoValidator : AbstractValidator<CreateOrEditUnitDto>
        public CreateOrEditUnitDtoValidator()
            RuleFor(x => x.NumberOfUnits).GreaterThanOrEqualTo(10);

Do I miss something or is the fluent validation not working on services?

I'm using V5.6.1 ASP.NET Core MVC & jQuery. With the power tool I've created a Country entity but when I add data by multiple tenants all data is shown for every tenant. Is this Core related or am I missing something?

Multitenancy is enabled. Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled = BlueBracketsConsts.MultiTenancyEnabled;

    public class Country : FullAuditedEntity , IMustHaveTenant
		public int TenantId { get; set; }

		public virtual string Code { get; set; }

When I run the radtool like described in []) an error occurs in the file creation.

Instead of creating the file "src\BlueBrackets.Core\Products\Product.cs" it creates a file "AspNetZeroRadTool..\src\BlueBrackets.Core\Products\Product.cs" in the folder aspnet-core

Instead of creating the file "src\BlueBrackets.Application\Products\ProductsAppService.cs" it creates a file "AspNetZeroRadTool..\src\BlueBrackets.Application\Products\ProductsAppService.cs" in the folder aspnet-core

And then the process aborts with an exception

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file '/Volumes/Macintosh SSD 500Gb/Projects/BlueBrackets/aspnet-core/AspNetZeroRadTool..\src\BlueBrackets.Core\Authorization\AppPermissions.cs'. at Interop.ThrowExceptionForIoErrno(ErrorInfo errorInfo, String path, Boolean isDirectory, Func`2 errorRewriter) at Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle.Open(String path, OpenFlags flags, Int32 mode) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options) at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize) at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks) at System.IO.File.InternalReadAllText(String path, Encoding encoding) at System.IO.File.ReadAllText(String path) at AspNetZeroRadTool.FileWizards.FileModifiers.FileModifier.nWuTVQWImuPgaxdC7jU(Object ) at AspNetZeroRadTool.FileWizards.FileModifiers.FileModifier.GetFileToModify(String filePath) at AspNetZeroRadTool.FileWizards.FileModifiers.Server.AppPermissionsFileModifier.Modify() at AspNetZeroRadTool.ServerSideHandler.sPYOZNWCtCInRDTK7mN(Object ) at AspNetZeroRadTool.ServerSideHandler.Handle() at AspNetZeroRadTool.AspNetZeroRadTool.fS6mXiCGOWTD9kvWpdx(Object ) at AspNetZeroRadTool.AspNetZeroRadTool.Run() at AspNetZeroRadTool.Program.Main(String[] args)

The Product.json is in the folder AspNetZeroRadTool and the command is given from this folder location.

By default the complete content section and header of a view is scrollable, can you please advice how to make the header static and the content part of the view scrollable.

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