Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "CrayonGroupSCA"

After reading your comments at the start about [RemoteService(false)] I checked our current working build to see what was being returned in the proxies GetAll() and there were a couple of API calls with complex types (Power BI Client for example) which were returning massive (557k chars long) definitions. The others in that app service had normal custom DTOs which were small, so I commented out the complex call and GetAll() worked. As this was not needed remotely I added the RemoteService to them and ta da the GetAll() now worked with no CPU or memory spike.

Will now review the rest of the output to see which others can be set to false to improve the initial load times.

Good luck!

I don't yet know why, but have at least found a way to narrow down where the problem is. From 50ish app services we eventually found the 1 that was causing problems, all others appear in the GetAll now.

"Exclude from project" all of the custom app services (can leave interfaces in place) and any other files needed to get the solution to build (ie background workers), then check to see if "abpserviceproxies" loads. If it does you can "include in project" a few app services at a time until you find the one that is causing the problems.

Will try and find out later in the week what is the exact issue, but for now can carry on upgrading and porting over our existing code.

Thats a shame. We are copying over our 7.2 changes and it stopped at some point after bringing over controllers / app services. Will probably start again one area at a time to see if a particular one breaks. Otherwise it will be looking at the source for ABP so we can breakpoint to try and diagnose the issue, not sure which will be faster / easier to do.

Hi, was this solved in the end? We are trying to go from 7.2 to 10.4 and are getting the same problem that abpserviceproxies never loads. Stock 10.4 did work but after bringing over our app services it fails to finish loading the log in screen.

Thanks, Dave

Using: 7.2 MVC .Net Core

Hi, We are looking to have EF automatically update the database when the code runs without relying on the manual "update-database" from package manager console. Our project deploys via Azure DevOps nightly (dev / uat etc), but we have been told they can't support adding 3rd party components and I have been advised on updating the database via code instead.

I've looked thru the other articles and there have been a couple on this topic over the years, but they have been along the lines of "copy code from the migrator app" which hasn't proven sucessful.

Is it possible to get clearer guidance on how we can do this and where? Our developers previous attempt resulted in reference errors from trying to combine segments of two different projects and think a clear example of what to do would benefit others that are looking to automate database upgrades without relying on other platforms to do it.

Any guidance would be most welcome. Thanks, Dave

Thanks for that suggestion, have tried it out and its working on our Test / Staging servers which have a static url so we know where to change the context to. Hopefully next week can try it out on our mock production site to see how it works with the Tenancy name in the url.

Would it be possible to post the final solution here so that others (including myself) could benefit from it?

The middleware change didn't work for us so we will now look into something on the Azure Application Gateway instead, based on this:

Thanks, I hadn't seen that before so we will investigate. I'll update this post with the end result in case anyone else needs to know in the future.

7.2 MVC + jQuery on .net Core

We are trying out our platform behind an Azure Application Gateway running on an Azure App Service. The public DNS would be something like but when trying to log in to "/App/SomeController" the user gets redirected to "" which is the private DNS behind the gateway.

The "" does not exist in any appsetting so it looks like it is being picked up by the HttpContext.

Do you know how this can be overridden? As it looks to be handled in the Abp code rather than Zero.

Thanks, Dave

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