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Activities of "Dom1702"


I use ASP Net Zero for a long time now and also have an active subscription. Lately when starting my project locally I get this exception.

Abp.AbpException: 'Failed on license check' This exception was originally thrown at this call stack: Abp.AspNetZeroCore.Licensing.AspNetZeroBaseLicenseChecker.ValidateLicense(string) Abp.AspNetZeroCore.Licensing.AspNetZeroBaseLicenseChecker.ValidateLicenseOnServer() Abp.AspNetZeroCore.Licensing.AspNetZeroBaseLicenseChecker.CheckInternal()

How can I fix this?



Please answer the following questions before submitting an issue. YOU MAY DELETE THE PREREQUISITES SECTION.

  • What is your product version? Current
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .Net Core


after generating a new project and adding all my classes again on server and client side I face the following problem: Before I used the bootstrap grid system, but it no longer seems to work. Whatever margin I set there, it's not working, like

    <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 mb-3">
        <h6>{{l("Name")}} :</h6>
        {{student.firstName}} {{student.lastName}}

<br> <br> Where can I find the css class names for building custom sites with proper margin, padding etc.? As far as I know, they switched from m- to kt- prefixes at some point, but now kt-* is also deprecated?

Best regards, Dominik

I have the following issue. I am located in Germany, so right now my time is UTC+2.

The following happens: when I send for example a date with time 17:00 to the server using the swagger generated service proxy, it's saved in the database as 15:00 which is correct so far. As far as I can tell, it is converted using MomentJS in the service proxy.

However, when receiving the date, I cannot get it back to the local time. I tried calling moment.utc(receivedDate).local().toString() but this does nothing because if you check the isUTC boolean of the receivedDate it is already false, so it is considered converted already. But it's not. I just can't get it back to the local time. Should I use something else than moment to convert it back?


I have the following part of code:

 var filteredDrivingLessons = _drivingLessonRepository.GetAllIncluding(e => e.Instructors) // Instructors is a list for a many-to-many relationship
                        .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.InstructorFilter), e => ContainsInstructor(e, input.InstructorFilter));

When debugging filteredDrivingLessons, the Instructors array is available and not null.

In the ContainsInstructor method however, the Instructors array is null. Why is that so?

What I am trying to achieve is passing an instructorFilter string that checks every entry in the Instructors array and compares first and last name.

Is there something in the WhereIf extension method not working as I expect it to or am I doing something completely wrong here?

Thank you!

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