Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "FlexSolution"

Because some class names have changed and the classes are now nested differently, I see no other way than to change each html page manually.

Which variant do you use? MVC or Angular?

You can forget the request. The package.json was not migrated correctly. So no angular 8 was used and static is only available from angular 8.

So it is not possible to name the XML file the way you want, just the folder?

I also tried this: localizationConfiguration.Sources.Add( new DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource("Group2", new XmlEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider( typeof(FlexSpedLocalizationConfigurer).GetAssembly(), "FlexSped.Localization.Group2" ) ) ); to insert a new source instead of extending the existing one.

The only way it works is to extend the existing ones and give each XML file the same name?

I sent the mail a week ago and haven't received any feedback yet. Can you confirm if the mail arrived at all?

I sent you everything. Maybe I'm missing something. But there are also no error messages.

I'm curious to see where the error is.

I downloaded a completely clean project today. Combination .Net-Core and Angular, version 6.9.1

It just doesn't work.

Maybe someone from support can just download our project and try to add more language files in another folder?

@alexanderpilhar Maybe you will open this request here again so that I don't create a new one unnecessarily although it is the same topic?

Okay, thanks for the info.

What do you think about the suggestion that you have the option to select fields as multilingual in the PowerTool? Then you could do it faster and easier.

Additionally, as a second extension, it might be an option to implement such fields in the same translation mask as the XML files. You could control this with an option in the settings, for example. So you could still make a custom version or integrate it into the existing translation page as needed.

What do you think?

I have a question about that, too. If I use such a MultiLingual Entity, what about the translation for the individual languages?

Do I have to create my own page or is it implemented so that I can edit these translations on the same page that you use for the translations from the XML files?

@alexanderpilhar did you find the bug? None of the combinations work for me.

We are using the .net Core + Angular version 6.9.1 and I wanted to do the same. I wanted to have several xml files so I could organize the translations more clearly.

I have the same problem. No matter what I do, the additional files are ignored. It only takes the translation from the main file.

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