Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Garysund"

The Issue seems to be with vs 2022. I opened the project in VS 2019 and the power tool ran correctly. Just gave issues with Exell exporter and the template is not the same as the metronic theme.

  • What is your product version? 11.1
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? MVC
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core

Hi There

I am trying to run the RAD power tools to create my entities and UI. I populate all fields and create a property.

When I click generate nothing happens. The cmd window just closes. I see that the json file was created in the AspNetZeroRadTool folder for my entity but nothing else was created.

I have installed all pre-requirements on the overview page. I am using vs 2022 community.

Where can I find logs of the issue or how can I resolve this.



Hi there, I recently purchased the upgrade for aspzero via the 50% Black friday special. I cant find the invoice anywhere. I cant see it under my profile. Please would you send it to me. Thanks, Gary

I have the _Sidebar.cshtml code

@if (menuItem.Items.IsNullOrEmpty()) { <a href="@menuItem.CalculateUrl(ApplicationPath)"> <i class="@menuItem.Icon"></i> <span class="title">@menuItem.DisplayName</span> <span class="count">@menuItem.CustomData</span> </a> }

        `.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition(
                    url: "Mpa/employees",
                    requiredPermissionName: AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_Employees,
                    customData : 4

I can add the count on the MpaNavigationProvider.cs and pass through the count as customData. Will the above code work


Hi There

I would like to add a counter on the menu showing how many items there are for a particular menu item.

How would I extend the menu provider to handle this. I am using the MVC Jquery version of zero


Awesom working now thanks

This is the error in the log file

System.NotSupportedException: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int64 GetValueOrDefault()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

Was testing it from Swagger as its going to be called from a mobile app.

An internal error occurred during your request!

I will put a try catch and see what the error is.

Hi There

I am trying to delete all records that are linked to a particular UserId. I have added a foreign key to the user table.

I am using the following Function

await _userCategoryRepository.DeleteAsync(p => p.UserId == AbpSession.UserId.GetValueOrDefault());

Could it have something to do with Cascade delete.

I dont want to lookup all the items then delete them as it will add processing time.



Awesom didnt know that absession.userid will be available for an external call.

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