The Issue seems to be with vs 2022. I opened the project in VS 2019 and the power tool ran correctly. Just gave issues with Exell exporter and the template is not the same as the metronic theme.
Hi There
I am trying to run the RAD power tools to create my entities and UI. I populate all fields and create a property.
When I click generate nothing happens. The cmd window just closes. I see that the json file was created in the AspNetZeroRadTool folder for my entity but nothing else was created.
I have installed all pre-requirements on the overview page. I am using vs 2022 community.
Where can I find logs of the issue or how can I resolve this.
Hi there, I recently purchased the upgrade for aspzero via the 50% Black friday special. I cant find the invoice anywhere. I cant see it under my profile. Please would you send it to me. Thanks, Gary
I have the _Sidebar.cshtml code
@if (menuItem.Items.IsNullOrEmpty()) { <a href="@menuItem.CalculateUrl(ApplicationPath)"> <i class="@menuItem.Icon"></i> <span class="title">@menuItem.DisplayName</span> <span class="count">@menuItem.CustomData</span> </a> }
`.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition(
url: "Mpa/employees",
requiredPermissionName: AppPermissions.Pages_Administration_Employees,
customData : 4
I can add the count on the MpaNavigationProvider.cs and pass through the count as customData. Will the above code work
Awesom working now thanks
This is the error in the log file
System.NotSupportedException: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int64 GetValueOrDefault()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Was testing it from Swagger as its going to be called from a mobile app.
An internal error occurred during your request!
I will put a try catch and see what the error is.
Hi There
I am trying to delete all records that are linked to a particular UserId. I have added a foreign key to the user table.
I am using the following Function
await _userCategoryRepository.DeleteAsync(p => p.UserId == AbpSession.UserId.GetValueOrDefault());
Could it have something to do with Cascade delete.
I dont want to lookup all the items then delete them as it will add processing time.
Awesom didnt know that absession.userid will be available for an external call.