Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "HelloService"


Thank you. I am having the problem with MS Edge. I tried now using Chrome and it worked! However it only displays half the picture, the style seems to cut it like a triangle. How can I fix the style to show the full face of user?

Hi. I previously used Yarn. I have also done what you suggested, removed the node_modules folder and ran Yarn again. I still get the same error. I see the error occurs as soon as I select the pic and it goes to the imageCropperComponent page. Then when I click the save button nothing happens also no additional erros.

Please note that this is a stock standard download demo project from your site. I Remember also having the same issue with version and was hoping that 7.0 would solve it.

Hi I am using the very latest version 7.0.0. I am trying to use the default function of adding a profile picture for the logged in user. I am using the .Net Core + Angular option

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