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Activities of "Hercules"

public class TenantInitializerEventManager : IEventHandler<EntityCreatedEventData<Tenant>> { private readonly ITenantInitializerService tenantInitializerService;

    public TenantInitializerEventManager(ITenantInitializerService tenantInitializerService)
        this.tenantInitializerService = tenantInitializerService;

    public void HandleEvent(EntityCreatedEventData&lt;Tenant&gt; eventData)

I have created the below Event Manager, which is calling a method that contains the seed data that I wish to autopopulate the tenant upon creation.

    public TenantInitializerEventManager(ITenantInitializerService tenantInitializerService)
        this.tenantInitializerService = tenantInitializerService;

    public void HandleEvent(EntityCreatedEventData&lt;Tenant&gt; eventData)

This Event is not fired when a tenant is created, where do I declare to execute the Event?

Thank you for the answer.

Can we create the Event in the TenantAppService uder the followign method:

public async Task CreateTenant(CreateTenantInput input) {}

Or is there any better place to do it?

Hi again,

Since Tenant is already CRUDed by abp is there any event already implemented for this purpose when a tenant is created?

Thank you ismcagdas

Maybe I wasn't clear enough on my question.

I have created some settings i.e. Countries and I want each tenant to have full control over the Countries of their application.

I also want as soon as the Tenant is created, that I autopopulate a list of countries to start with, before the end user can perform CRUD operations on the Countries settings page.

How can I set a "signal" that as soon as tenant is created, it should autopopulate ot the the Countries Table linked with the Tenant's ID?

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