Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Jason"

For a little more specificity, I am working on the same project as mac, and we are using a couple different approaches for the connections: user password, and code flow with PKCE. For the user password approach, we are trying to build the user list GET separately in our own project. Every time we ping it, we get an error with the discovery document GET request:

 var client = new HttpClient();

            var disco = await client.GetDiscoveryDocumentAsync(ServerUrlBase);
            if (disco.IsError)
                throw new Exception(disco.Error);

This prevents further connection. The error coming back is that the target machine is actively refusing the connection. The ServerUrlBase being used is the same one that is set in the IdentityServer project, and I have run the dotnet cert to see if the certificate exists, which it does, so that doesnt seem to be the issue.

Our problem is that we cannot get past the discovery document bit to get to the access token request.

Seems like it does, at least through the discovery document part. I get this error when it tries to grab the users list, after getting the access token:

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