Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "Kaarlaid"

I had read your reply a while back, but - thank you - the advice is appreciated. We are not so experienced with ASPNetZero, but this seems like a good approach that we will keep in mind.

Thanks! That works for a migration, and will make the replication easier. I think I also need to add the the "DatabaseGeneratedOption.None" property, though, like so:

[Column("OID"), DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)]
public override int Id { get; set; }

... as the OID coming from the legacy system will need to be used by the replication code, rather than having an auto-generated value. Then I just need to set the OID explicitly when we start creating data within the ASPNetZero solution.

Thanks for your help! :)

@tadams - many thanks, this solved the same issue I was having just now.

Ok, I just managed to solve this myself with more experimentation. The steps that occurred between this error happening and eventual success included 1) uninstalling and then reinstalling node.js, 2) uninstalling the "HP Wolf Security" that was present on my laptop - this had it's features all disabled but perhaps it still being present and scanning files was the issue and 3) rebooting. So perhaps this information might help someone else too.

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