Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "KarakTheWise"


I'm using Verison 9.2 .NET Core with Angular UI. Before the end of the year I had been working via email support to solve an issue trying install this component via yarn: []. The error from the yarn log was:

Arguments: C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe ...\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js add @fullcalendar/resource-common Yarn version: 1.22.10

Node version: 12.18.3

Platform: win32 x64


Error: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\App Development\Resolution\ASPNET-Zero\Resolution\angular\node_modules\ngx-perfect-scrollbar_ivy_ngcc_\fesm2015'

npm start gave me a lot of errors when I tried to compile. At this point I wasn't sure what to do so I ran 'yarn' again and it seemed to clean everything up but was unsucessful with installing the component. I'm at the point in my development where I need this component running but am afraid to try install it again. I'm not sure what to do if my Angular project blows up :). Any advice would be most welcome!

Thank you,



V. 9.3 Angular ASP.NET Core Framwork Related

Is it possible to allow the Tenant admin to restore soft deletes?

Version 9,2 Angular ASP.NET Core Issue: general question

I've been working with some Azure engineers on how to best set my pricing tiers etc. We're coming up with three tiers: 1.) shared tier - x tanants in a larger multi-tenancy app. 2.) smaller shared tier, less tanants than T1, 3.) one tenant in their own single-tanant app. My questions: is there a best pratice to move a tenant from say T1 to T3? The Azure part of the equation is not a problem. I'm talking about the actual migration of the tenent's records from one database to another. Any advice or suggestions would be great. If this is something I need to buld into my develpment process, now would be a good time for me to do that. I'm buidling the app for multi-tenancy so each record will of course have a TenantId. Thanks!

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