Hi @oguzhanagir
Thank you!
Hi @ismcagdas
Thanks for the reply!
I am just looking for the way to create a new module (project) in order to have all third party APIs implementation there (including many third party libraries) and not to tight the domain layer, hence be able to update asp.net zero easily as well.
Can I create this new module and add reference to .Core (domain) library? Is there any sample code on how to create new module?
Thanks, Loizos
Hi @ismcagdas
Any update on this?
Hi @ismcagdas
So which project one exactly is the Web layer? Do you mean the ...Web.Core? Can you elaborate more on this why is it better than application layer?
Also please have in mind that we are going to have some business logic inside this code and also maybe an implementation of a factory pattern so that to instantiate the correct remote/third party API call each time. Isn't that goes to domain layer? That's why the confusion.
Hi Ismail,
Thanks for the answers.
WAF - we mean a Web Application Firewall on Azure (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/web-application-firewall/ag/ag-overview)
Basically a proposed security architecture to us is to deploy a WAF in front, then an API-Manager (both in DMZ) and then ASP.NET zero solutions (internal network).
We know that you already support a number of social and external logins/authentication, however, the question is if possible to configure ASP.NET zero so that authentication is done by any of these two (WAF or API-Manager).
Thanks, Loizos
Hi @ismcagdas
No it's not an intranet app, will be fully exposed on internet. So, from security perspective is it enough to deploy both front & back ends behind a secure (HTTPS) port?
Thanks, Loizos
Thank you very much!
Hi ismcagdas,
I'm sorry, I have only checked the ngx-bootstrap components and there was nothing there for this purpose... so now I see that PrimeNG do support dropdown list here: https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/dropdown, which is pretty much similar to select2, so can I use this one instead of autocomplete?
Can I just import it in app.module.ts and use it, or you have to include it first in next releases? The same question goes for other components I see in PrimeNG list, can I just import them and use them?
Thanks, Loizos
Thank you @ismcagdas! All done, issue closed.
Hi @ismcagdas
The new added theme works fine and also the modifications to the new look and feel are done so we are happy with this, thanks again for your valuable support!
Only thing just before close this issue is the new top menu I've added; I am trying to find a way to remove the icons from the root menu (sub menus are ok as it is with icons ) and also to highlight the selected menu item from the root item to the sub item. As it is now, i.e. the Administration root menu is not highlighted when Users are selected.
For example I want something like that: [https://prnt.sc/er0lac96OXtK] [https://prnt.sc/p6ocK-OQZ5SF]