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Activities of "NPECAdmin"

The below code in my index.js opens the modal Balloon1Modal when the button with id="Balloon1ModalButton" is clicked. I need to pass some data from my index.js to my modal so that it can use that data to populate the table inside my modal. What additions can i make to the below code so that i can pass a variable as a parameter?

(function () {
            var _balloon1Modal = new app.ModalManager({
                viewUrl: abp.appPath + 'Mpa/DealerDashboard/Balloon1Modal',
                scriptUrl: abp.appPath + 'Areas/Mpa/Views/DealerDashboard/_Balloon1Modal.js',
                modalClass: 'Balloon1Modal'

            $('#Balloon1ModalButton').click(function (e) {

Thank you

We recently upgraded to 10.4 and we noticed a new line of code in the startup.cs. Specifically we are getting an error with this line options.CustomDefaultSchemaIdSelector()

when we try to build the project with this line the project failed to build telling us its missing a reference. When we comment out the code the project builds successfully.

Cna we delete this line of code? if not what is the reference?

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS1061 'SwaggerGenOptions' does not contain a definition for 'CustomDefaultSchemaIdSelector' and no accessible extension method 'CustomDefaultSchemaIdSelector' accepting a first argument of type 'SwaggerGenOptions' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Glyde.Web.Host C:\Users\HP\Desktop\Glyde\aspnet-core\src\Glyde.Web.Host\Startup\Startup.cs 333 Active

the link is not exist give me a 404

When we upgraded to 10.5 hello, the angular code just has errors in two files 'dynamic-entity-property.component.html' and 'dynamic-entity-property.component.ts', when i search for this error i found in zero support fixing for this but when we try it is not resolved. Can you please help? All the errors are in the screenshots (6 in total)


this was reolved it was internal issue!

Product Version: 11.0 Product Type: Angular Framework: .net core ABP Framework: v7

Question from our developer: "we need to update display name and description for permission defined in AppAuthorizationProvider SetPermissions in runtime by the end user"

when we try create a Mass notification and add more than 5 users to it, CreatorUserId is inserting as null in table [AbpTenantNotifications]. Due to this, notifications with >5 users are not displaying in Mass notifications page. Why is the CreatorUserId not set?

When the profile picture is uploaded at the time of user creation, uploaded picture is updated to current logged in user instead of created on the the new user. I would expect it to not change the current user logged in and instead be created on the new user

Showing 1 to 10 of 13 entries