Must the dimension of the logo be 596 X 195 ?
How do I replace the logos? If I change the logo do I need to keep the same names, and they need to be svg files? like app-logo-on-dark.svg app-logo-on-dark-sm.svg app-logo-on-light.svg app-logo-on-light-sm.svg logo.svg (used in InvoiceController -> Index).
I also want to remove the image on the login screen, what is the best way to do this?
currently my footer displays the project name, version number and date. How do I change this?
what is the guidance on updating files? Which files can be updated and which cannot? I do not want to do updates then when the project is updated to a new version, all my changes are lost.
Thanks for the guidance.
Yes it works when you create a brand new entity, but adding a new column to an existing entity it doesn't
So how do I continue from here? How long will this take to fix?
I used the tool to create an entity with Primary key of type long. The entity only has one property of type string and is multilingual. I get these errors:
hi, Using the file upload functionality created by the Power Tool, where are this files stored and on the view screen a link is displayed. Clicking it downloads the file. How can this be prevented? I just want to open it in the browser.
Core MVC JQuery
I'm having this issue now. Same as previous user. How was this resolved?