Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "PekitP"


Can you please help me out. I need one field / cloumn to show a klickable url in UI table, how do I manage to do this? NET Core, Jquery

Best /Peter


Can't make my aspnetcore always running. IIS + GCP. To keep hangfire running.

I've set application pool on always running and restarted pool + set timeout to 0 even if not needed. App runs a couple of days then shuts down.

The IIS AspNetCore Module V2 sends each day:

  1. Sent shutdown HTTP message to process '3208' and received http status '202' Then:
  2. Application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT' with physical root 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot' shut down process with Id '3208' listening on port '18285'

And app do not start again

I have another server which is setup like hangfire recommend, and runs flawless (own app)

Best /Peter

Hi, suddenly my platform stopped working in debug VS (17 and 19). I have one deployed exact same version that works.


AmbiguousMatchException: The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches:

XXX.Web.Public.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Datatale.Web.Public) XXX.Web.Controllers.HomeController.Index (Datatale.Web.Mvc)

Pls help..

Best /Peter


Trying to create a entity in powertool, lets call it "note". To this note i want to add 2 words ie 2 Navigation Properties. These words is selected from entity Word. But when trying to to this in powertool it get following error:

"Both relationships between 'Note.Word' and 'Word' and between 'Note.Word2' and 'Word' could use {'WordId'} as the foreign key. To resolve this configure the foreign key properties explicitly on at least one of the relationships"

Any idea on how to solve this or do it another way?

Best /Peter

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries