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Activities of "RiskAvert"


We woud like to understand, can we make the entire database eencrypt ? we understand Framework tables are encrypted, user defile table are not encrypted. so can we make the DB encrypt? Kindly advice

I have tried with GUI publish ( ) also.But Itz also not working.

Still I could not found exe file.

Hi, The last screenshot which i shared is my project solution path (development) only their also i could not found that exe file.

1.But in production we deployed, Publish dlls only not whole project. So how can i update all database in production server. 2.I am using .net core 2.2 and below is my project solution path (aspnet-core\src\Governance.Migrator\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.2) screen shot .But i could not find the EXE file in your mentioned path. Did i missed anything like enabling/disabling ?

"ASP.NET Zero solution includes a .Migrator (like Acme.PhoneBookDemo.Migrator) project in the server side solution. You can run this tool for database migrations on development and production (see migrator docs for more information)." In first doc link, .Migrator is mentioned but how to run that?

"ASP.NET Zero includes a tool, Migrator.exe, to easily migrate your databases. You can run this application to create/migrate host and tenant databases." In second link, Migrator.exe is mentioned but how to run and where it locates.Below image is my published folder.

I want to run update database in production server(VPN-IIS hosting) . I am using ASP core + Angular 8 Template. I had gone through the FAQ, in that i observed options like migration tool and Migrator.exe. But i could not find any steps or detailed document to run/download/use. So Please let me know the best way to update all production server database.

Departments: -- Module Name

departments.component.html, departments.component.ts and departments.component.less

those files are not generating..


Hi ,

I am Running this command, codes are generated on proxies file's but component files are not genarated.

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