I try to enable LDAP in multitenancy mode. I already read this thread : https://support.aspnetzero.com/QA/Questions/3160
but the first link leads to a 404.
Could you point me in the right direction ? I need to be able to enable ldap login, uncommenting line : "this.Configuration.Modules.ZeroLdap().Enable(typeof(AppLdapAuthenticationSource));"
but, with the "Configuration.MultiTenancy.IsEnabled" set to "true" (in XXX.CoreModule.cs). Even if only one tenant is created.
I noticed that multitenancy must be disabled in order to set up ldap authentication (aspnetcore + angular, up-to-date version).
But we need to implement ldap authentication anyway, something like a different Active Directory domain for each tenant, or even some tenants using AD but some not, etc.
Is there a "clean" way to achieve this ?
I'm facing problems with the chatbar.
The 3 files (chatbar.component.less, chatbar.component.html and chatbar.component.ts) are from the ASPNETZERO 6.7.0 version, I did not edited them. My primeng version is 7.0.5, same as the template's one.
Is it a bug, or did I missed something ?
Thanks for your great work :)