Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "SASIMEXICO"

Thanks for the reply.


hi, yes @ismcagdas

I will try with net core 3.1, thanks @Mahinthan

hi @maliming,

the problem occurs with iis and iisexpress only. You can test it with iexplorer 11.


@ismcagdas, @Mahinthan, @smry the problem is with the OPTIONS request and the 204 response. Some browsers hangs or timeout after 30' (iexplorer). The solution is to manage the response headers.

if (context.Request.Method == "OPTIONS") { context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", new[] { (string)context.Request.Headers["Origin"] }); context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", new[] { "Origin,X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Accept,.aspnetcore.culture,abp.tenantid,pragma,cache-control,expires,authorization" });         context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", new[] { "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" });         context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", new[] { "true" }); context.Response.StatusCode = 200; return context.Response.WriteAsync("OK"); } return _next.Invoke(context);

After that we can load the webapp on mobile and iexplorer 11.



.net core + Angular version 4.9

This table contain one-to-many relation with herself. Each record contain a ParentId and List of Childs

I don't need Include and ThenInclude, I need in the same table, one register contain a child, this child have a parent and other child in the same time, this child contain a parent and child...

when make -> var query = ruleRepository.GetAllIncluding(x => x.Childs, x => x.ListRuleValidators); Only one level of depth returns

I hope that parent returns with his children and his children with his children... but those children (have other children) do not show them.


I have checked this document, but I do not know how to use the Entity Generator to extend the OrganizationUnit Entity. How should I fill out the fields in order to create a new class (CustomOU) deriving from Organization Unit Entity? I assume that I need to use Entity Generator so that a new DbSet property for CustomOU entity is added automatically to DbContext class. /24h after this post/ I have been trying and finally I have created the new entity deriving from Organization Unit Entity. After doing the migration, I have checked that the new parameter "ExternalCode" has been added to OrganizationUnit table in the database. This was the first step I wanted to achieve. But now, I still have problems with the OrganizationUnitAppService. The documentation says that no changes are needed if we add this new parameter to the DTO and we use AutoMapping. But I cannot understand how is it gonna work if the repository still have the OrganizationUnit model instead of the CustomOU model.

  • Actual code:
    •       `private readonly OrganizationUnitManager _organizationUnitManager;`
    •       `private readonly IRepository<OrganizationUnit, long> _organizationUnitRepository;`

When I do a query into this repository, I have noticed that the new parameter is not appearing.

  1. Should I add a new repository IRepository<CustomOU>?
    1. If this is the solution, only with this change would be enough to fix this problem?
    2. If I have to modify the original DTO and OrganizationUnitAppService, would be better to create new ones deriving from these, in order to not having merge conflicts with your code if there is a new update from Zero?

Solved by hardcoding a failover measure on a custom implementation of LdapAuthenticationSource::CreatePrincipalContext


Hi, thanks for your answer.

Seeing the implementation you've provided, we now see that we'll use a custom implementation of ILdapSettings, based on that one.

However, we can't seem to pinpoint the way GetPassword works, it seems as if it's being retrived from the DB in plain text. We've been reading the following classes


We can't seem to find any indicator of the password not being in plain text. What aproach does Abp take towards this?

Hi everyone, I have the same problem. After updating to V=7.2.2, some flaticons are not working correctly, because despite showing an image, it is not the corresponding one to these icon.

This problem seems to be only with the "flaticon2". Could it be?

Hope to find a solution soon.




Perfect, I have degraded the nuget package to version 3.10.10 and now it works correctly.

Thanks for all.



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