Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ShaneFryer4184"


Hi, is there any reason that LinkedIn authentication is not included? If not is there a plan to implement this within the template?

I have just updated Microsoft.composition from 1.0.27 to 1.0.31 and updated castle.core dll to 4.1.1

Even the cors origins, client & server root address are mentioned properly.

Should I send & appsettings.json ? Or do you want any other files too.

Can you list down the files ?

What mail id should I send to?

My code is running fine on local. Even the swagger apis are running fine. I have hosted the code on azure, there somehow it is not working. I am getting the following error. I am not able to understand what is causing it, as it is the first time I have got this error in 3 months. I have also added the IP in firewall of azure sql server.

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ion/GetAll</a>. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).

Please help.

Thanks ... I have solved it.

I have created many modules in zero with Angular 4 & .net core. Now to have backup, I archived the solution & cloned code into new repository. I changed the database name & then did Update-database which created a new db. But now I have created new class, for which I deleted old migrations & did Add-Migration. But getting the following error : "An error occurred while calling method 'ConfigureServices' on startup class 'Startup'. Consider using IDbContextFactory to override the initialization of the DbContext at design-time." I tried many options seeing net, but there is not much help. Can you help plz ?

I have checked the bugs log file. It also says it has nothing to do with npm. It traces errors to @angular/cli with your iabpsession. Have uninstalled & re-installed @angular/cli, but still in package.json, intellisense shows it unavailable. I have deleted node_modules folder & then again did npm install. Also deleted npm & cache from roaming. Updated ngx bootstrap , typescript to latest version. But still no luck. plz help.

I have Ngx bootstrap datepicker in my solution. It has a bug of not auto closing when you click outside. I was trying to solve that issue and updated the ngx bootstrap version in package json from 1.6.6 to 1.9.1.

But things didn't work so I tried to revert it back. But now I am getting build errors more than 110.

They are all coming from a custom pipe filter which I never touched.

Looks like the configuration went wrong and its not able to build the Angular 4 UI solution.

I cleared the node modules folder and again did npm install, but no luck

Can you help ?

My client wants to add a field in abp.notification table where I can mark the notification as pinned to stay at the top. But the class comes from metadata which I cant change.

My client also wants to migrate your timezone to a different place.

So we have lot of requirements where we need to change the native structure.

Is there a way where we can change the definition of tables created by you?

I am creating Mypreferences where I can give tenants an option to change time, date, currency as per their needs. For that I have created a new table called mypreferences. But now I am thinking to add the settings in AbpSettings table.

I tried this but it is not allowing me and giving me error "There is no settings defined with name 'Abp.Preferences.MyPreferences'". I think it is coming directly from dll. Is there a way where can store settings in AbpSettings table ?

Guide me.

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is my GitHub.

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