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Activities of "Siyeza"


Let me just try and explain. Create an entity call it 'Policy', create another entity call it 'PolicyStatuses'.


  1. Create
  2. Active
  3. Pending Approval

Now you have 20 Policies, each policy has a status ie see below

Now I want to return a List<Policies> grouping statuses and returning the counter StatusName NumberOfOccurances Create 1 Active 3 Pending 2


I think I got it, I am not very sure how though.

For this update, my licence is that 'Standard'. Can I download again rather than this repository thing?

"This repository is configured and used for AspNet Zero Team's development. It is not suggested for our customers to use this repository directly. It is suggested to download a project from"

"abp-src" after updating these files, should I still use this "abp-src"

Hi Maliming, I understand all this above, what I am asking is, locally or in development, how do I run my solution and load xx.js NOT xx.min.js?

From the screen above clearly as I am running on localhost (xx.min.js) is being loaded.

I think we are not understanding each other. Let me try and explain again. It is not that I do not have the minified script file. The problem I am having is that, below is the line on my index.cshtml file.

<script abp-src="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/PolicyHolders/Index.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

This is supposed to load 'index.js' not 'index.min.js' in development. To emulate what I am saying, delete that 'index.min.js' and then run the app how ever you running it. When I do, I get this below.

page not found

I do not have to download anything else? I can just update the target framework on my solution and resolve the arising issues?

U must have recieved an invite

  1. Get the 'phase_one' branch
  2. PolicyHolders -> Index.cshtml -> change the line below and put abp-src <script src="/view-resources/Areas/App/Views/PolicyHolders/Index.js" asp-append-version="true"></script>

delete the .min.js file and try to run

please send me your microsoft linked email.

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