Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "TOGIT"

Related version : ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1

When click on the notification there is no redirect that display the details (not sure that is correct)

Note: in the screenshot 0 new show, but it not make a difference (new or not new)


Thank you, this made a big difference.

Tough not sure how to solve the following (final alerts)

Related version :** ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1**

Power Tools add double namespaces

I meant before the profile photo show (small) instead the A

Related version : ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1

Out of the box there are so many issues related to Cross-site cookie:

Screenshot Source View with Firefox Browser Developer Edition

I know this ticket but not sure this is related.

How to solve this?

Related version : ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1

When I use power tools 2.7.1 while creating a Master-Detail Page, permissions missing:

I added this manual:

This should be generated automaticly, correct?

Related version : ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1

The Profile Picture not show in Icon Top Right

Before this feature was working correct, its was very handy :)

Related version : ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1

When I use power tools 2.7.1 while regenerate a Master-Detail Page, the following error appears:

Error CS0102 The type 'CreateOrEditProductVariantDto' already contains a definition for 'ProductId' OHB2B.Application.Shared D:\OH\ohb2b-test\src\OHB2B.Application.Shared\ProductVariants\Dtos\CreateOrEditProductVariantDto.cs 19 Active

public class CreateOrEditProductVariantDto : EntityDto<long?>

    [StringLength(ProductVariantConsts.MaxNameLength, MinimumLength = ProductVariantConsts.MinNameLength)]
    public string Name { get; set; }		

    public int? Code { get; set; }		

    public long? ProductId { get; set; }

    public long? ProductId { get; set; }

    public long RegionId { get; set; }		 


After manual correction

public class CreateOrEditProductVariantDto : EntityDto<long?>

    [StringLength(ProductVariantConsts.MaxNameLength, MinimumLength = ProductVariantConsts.MinNameLength)]
    public string Name { get; set; }		

    public int? Code { get; set; }		

    public long? ProductId { get; set; } 

    public long RegionId { get; set; }		


Note: this issue is not specifc for Master-Detail Page it also happen before when regenerate a single entity.

Related version : ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1

When I use power tools 2.7.1 while creating a Master-Detail Page, the following error appears:

Error CS1061 'IRateGroupPropertyAppService' does not contain a definition for 'GetRateGroupPropertyForView' and no accessible extension method 'GetRateGroupPropertyForView' accepting a first argument of type 'IRateGroupPropertyAppService' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) OHB2B.Web.Mvc D:\OH\ohb2b-test\src\OHB2B.Web.Mvc\Areas\App\Controllers\MasterDetailChild_Rate_RateGroupPropertyController.cs

public async Task<PartialViewResult> ViewRateGroupPropertyModal(long id)
            var getRateGroupPropertyForViewDto = await _rateGroupPropertyAppService.GetRateGroupPropertyForView(id);

            var model = new MasterDetailChild_Rate_RateGroupPropertyViewModel()
                RateGroupProperty = getRateGroupPropertyForViewDto.RateGroupProperty
                , RateGroupName = getRateGroupPropertyForViewDto.RateGroupName


            return PartialView("_ViewRateGroupPropertyModal", model);

I know how to solve this manual, but I was wondering how to solve this via power tools?

Note :

The detail page is rendered without creating User Interface & Create View Only. When I render with Create User Interface & Create View Only all works fine but then a new menu item appears, and yes i can turn that off but it should not be needed. It should work also without User Interface & Create View for the details pages.

Finally (not 100% related):

I notice after some testing that there are no differences when applying the checkbox Create View Only, do I oversee something?

Related version : ASP.NET CORE MVC & jQuery 9.2.1

When I use power tools 2.7.1 while creating a new entity, the following error appears:

'ProductVariantViewModel' does not contain a definition for 'FilterText' OHB2B.Web.Mvc D:\OH\ohb2b-test\src\OHB2B.Web.Mvc\Areas\App\Controllers\ProductVariantController.cs

public class ProductVariantViewModel : GetProductVariantForViewDto


After manual correction:

public class ProductVariantViewModel : GetProductVariantForViewDto
        public string FilterText { get; internal set; }
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