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Activities of "TimMackey"


UPDATE Asp Net Zero version 8.1.0 Core 3.1/angular Angular CLI: 8.3.29 Node: 14.12.0 OS: win32 x64 Angular: 8.2.14

The error reported in this issue is intermittently occurring only under the following conditions:

  1. Login as host admin
  2. In the Tenant management page, login as a non-admin tenant.
  3. Perform some actions as tenant/user
  4. Return to admin user via "Back to my account".
  5. The reported error occurs.

Hi @ismcagdas

It is a big problem. It's a supported feature of the C# language. As the vendor, why wouldn't you fix something that you, or one or your vendors, broke?

Agreed. How will this get resolved?

SeatType is correct for ANZ version 8.5.0 Swashbuckle 5.2.1

I'm not able to make the connection between the explanation and the code I see in the app. Could you please provide some additional ANZ-specific guidance? Thank you.

This problem occurs with the latest Swashbuckle version 5.6.3

ANZ v10.0.0

Not sure which organization can fix this, so am reporting the issue here.

On the server the following enum is not accurately exported to typescript.

namespace EnumsLibrary
    public enum SeatType
        NoSeat = 0,               // bitfields
        SeatTypeFirst_Seat = 0,
        SeatTypeFirst_Student = 1,
        LeftHanded = 1,
        RightHanded = 2,
        Ambidextrous = 3,
        NoPreference = 3,
        Handicap = 4,
        LastSeatType = 4,
        DefaultProfile = 5,
        Blocked = 6

After running 'refresh.bat' in \angular\nswag results in:

export enum SeatType {
    NoSeat = 0,
    SeatTypeFirst_Seat = 1,
    SeatTypeFirst_Student = 2,
    LeftHanded = 3,
    RightHanded = 4,
    Ambidextrous = 5,
    NoPreference = 6,

... in service-proxy.ts

This may be due to the disconnect of identifiers and values in 'https://localhost:44301/swagger/v1/swagger.json'

      "SeatType": {
        "enum": [
        "type": "integer",
        "format": "int32",
        "x-enumNames": [

It seems the first 7 values are assigned to the first 7 identifiers.

This was not an issues for ANZ V8.0.0. SeatType was accurately reflected in service-proxy.cs

export enum SeatType {
    NoSeat = 0,
    SeatTypeFirst_Seat = 0,
    SeatTypeFirst_Student = 1,
    LeftHanded = 1,
    RightHanded = 2,
    Ambidextrous = 3,
    NoPreference = 3,
    Handicap = 4,
    LastSeatType = 4,
    DefaultProfile = 5,
    Blocked = 6,

... and in swagger.json

     "SeatType": {
        "enum": [
        "type": "integer",
        "format": "int32",
        "x-enumNames": [

Migrating from v8.0.0 to v10.0.0 Angular / .net core

WARNING in Conflict: Multiple assets emit different content to the same filename fa-brands-400.eot

I have purchased a license to use Fontawesome and installed it in 'node_modules@fortawesome\fontasesome-pro', which already includes these files.

How can I remove the 15 files from the bundles (2) and .js in src\assets\metronic\vendors\global,@fortawesome so that the app will reference the files in \node_modules@fortawesome?

Hi @ismcagdas, Thanks for the link.

In thinking more about my requirements, I'm coming to the conclusion that deferring one job over another depending on demand and job type, may not be the optimal solution. Plus, the solutions recommended require Hangfire.Ace, annual license fee $1500.

I'm considering Azure Functions, which is an elastic on-demand pay-as-you-go n-instance service; more like what I'm looking for.

@zony I'm not seeing a path forward due to the limitations of Hangfire Background Methods, described here: ...which states

Local variables, instance and static fields and other information isn’t available in our background jobs.

My background process requires injected dependencies for ILocalizationManager, IBinaryObjectManager, and others. (Usage is not shown in the code snippets posted) Unless there is something I'm not understanding, Hangfire doesn't appear to be a viable option.

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