Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "TimMackey"

Thank you.

I wiped out the slot and database, copied code from older version Production and loaded it into a new Development slot. Then applied updates. The code began working again. I've been applying more changes over the past few days to see if the error would reappear, and fortunately it has not. I suspect there might have been a missing file. However, I have been unable to ascertain a definitive cause of the error.

I have successfully applied the code sample you sent via email. Thank you.

For anyone else who might be experiencing a similar issue, I am posting the solution here.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Abp.Application.Navigation;
using Abp.Configuration;
using Abp.Configuration.Startup;
using Abp.Extensions;
using Abp.Localization;
using Abp.Runtime.Session;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Configuration;
using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.MultiTenancy;
using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Sessions.Dto;
using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Url;
using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Controllers;
using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Public.Startup;
using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Session;

namespace MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Public.Controllers
    public class HomeController : AbpZeroTemplateControllerBase
        private readonly IUserNavigationManager _userNavigationManager;
        private readonly IMultiTenancyConfig _multiTenancyConfig;
        private readonly IAbpSession _abpSession;
        private readonly ILanguageManager _languageManager;
        private readonly ISettingManager _settingManager;
        private readonly IPerRequestSessionCache _sessionCache;
        private readonly IWebUrlService _webUrlService;
        private readonly TenantManager _tenantManager;

        public HomeController(
            IUserNavigationManager userNavigationManager, 
            IMultiTenancyConfig multiTenancyConfig,
            IAbpSession abpSession,
            ILanguageManager languageManager, 
            ISettingManager settingManager, 
            IPerRequestSessionCache sessionCache,
            IWebUrlService webUrlService, 
            TenantManager tenantManager)
            _userNavigationManager = userNavigationManager;
            _multiTenancyConfig = multiTenancyConfig;
            _abpSession = abpSession;
            _languageManager = languageManager;
            _settingManager = settingManager;
            _sessionCache = sessionCache;
            _webUrlService = webUrlService;
            _tenantManager = tenantManager;
        public async Task<ActionResult> Index(string currentPageName = "")
            var tenancyName = "";
            if (_abpSession.TenantId.HasValue)
                var tenant = await _tenantManager.GetByIdAsync(_abpSession.GetTenantId());
                tenancyName = tenant.TenancyName;

            var model = new PublicHomeIndexViewModel
                LoginInformations = await _sessionCache.GetCurrentLoginInformationsAsync(),
                IsInHostView = !_abpSession.TenantId.HasValue,
                Languages = _languageManager.GetActiveLanguages().ToList(),
                CurrentLanguage = _languageManager.CurrentLanguage,
                Menu = await _userNavigationManager.GetMenuAsync(FrontEndNavigationProvider.MenuName, _abpSession.ToUserIdentifier()),
                CurrentPageName = currentPageName,
                IsMultiTenancyEnabled = _multiTenancyConfig.IsEnabled,
                TenantRegistrationEnabled = await _settingManager.GetSettingValueAsync<bool>(AppSettings.TenantManagement.AllowSelfRegistration),
                AdminWebSiteRootAddress = _webUrlService.GetServerRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/'),
                WebSiteRootAddress = _webUrlService.GetSiteRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/')

            return View(model);
    public class PublicHomeIndexViewModel
        public GetCurrentLoginInformationsOutput LoginInformations { get; set; }

        public IReadOnlyList<LanguageInfo> Languages { get; set; }

        public LanguageInfo CurrentLanguage { get; set; }

        public UserMenu Menu { get; set; }

        public string CurrentPageName { get; set; }

        public bool IsMultiTenancyEnabled { get; set; }

        public bool TenantRegistrationEnabled { get; set; }

        public bool IsInHostView { get; set; }

        public string AdminWebSiteRootAddress { get; set; }

        public string WebSiteRootAddress { get; set; }

        public string GetShownLoginName()
            if (!IsMultiTenancyEnabled)
                return LoginInformations.User.UserName;

            return LoginInformations.Tenant == null
                ? ".\\" + LoginInformations.User.UserName
                : LoginInformations.Tenant.TenancyName + "\\" + LoginInformations.User.UserName;

        public string GetLogoUrl(string appPath)
            if (!IsMultiTenancyEnabled || LoginInformations?.Tenant?.LogoId == null)
                return appPath + "Common/Images/app-logo-on-light.svg";

            return AdminWebSiteRootAddress.EnsureEndsWith('/') + "TenantCustomization/GetLogo?tenantId=" + LoginInformations?.Tenant?.Id;


@using System.Threading.Tasks
@using MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Public.Startup
@using CultureHelper = MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Localization.CultureHelper
@model MyCompanyName.AbpZeroTemplate.Web.Public.Controllers.PublicHomeIndexViewModel
    ViewBag.CurrentPageName = FrontEndPageNames.Home;
@section Styles
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/assets/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.css" asp-append-version="true">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="~/lib/owl.carousel/dist/assets/owl.carousel.css" asp-append-version="true">
@section Scripts
    <script src="~/assets/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- pop up -->
    <script src="~/lib/owl.carousel/dist/owl.carousel.js" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- slider for products -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {

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  1. Do you host your Angular app and Host app under the same website on azure? I followed instructions here: Step By Step Publish To Azure

  2. Could you share your Startup.cs code ? Sent via email.

The app works flawlessly on localhost. The client is producing

WARN: Could not find localization source: AbpWeb

error message in the browser console, and this warning:

/Views/Home/index.cshtml does not have a HomeController that I am aware of. If a HomeController were to be created, what folder would it be in? What would the contents (code) be? How would it integrate with the existing home page?

Again, I ask again that you provide code of how this is done, rather than a description of what to do.

This will be my fourth attempt to get the answer I am requesting. I don't understand why this simple request continues to go unanswered. Is there a language translation problem? Please consider passing this issue to another developer and let them take a swing at it.

I think you are not understanding my question. I will try again.

I've read ASP.NET Core's documentation and do not understand what to do in this case. I rely on ANZ support for what appears to me to be a trivial question given ANZ's level of expertise. This is not a "how to" question for a generic case, but rather specific to the way ANZ has implemented the main page.

In ANZ Version 8.1.0, angular/.NET Core there exists in Web.Public project a file 'Views/Shared/Components/Header/Default.cshtml' which refrences Model thusly: <a target = "_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="" href="@Model.GetLogoUrl(ApplicationPath)"><img src="@Model.GetLogoUrl(ApplicationPath)" alt=""></a>

I want to refrence the exact same 'Model' in the file 'Views/Home/Index.cshtml' ANZ Version 8.1.0 --- not some theoretical file or model I might create. Specifically, I want insert this code: <a target = "_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="" href="@Model.GetLogoUrl(ApplicationPath)"><img src="@Model.GetLogoUrl(ApplicationPath)" alt=""></a> into file 'Views/Home/index.cshtml' ANZ Version 8.1.0 and have it work.

Please provide the appropriate code that I can use to build ANZ Version 8.1.0 Web.Public project and it will just work with the change described.

Your reply does not answer my question. Please don't say "do it like this". That doesn't work. How is Model passed to index.cshtml? Show me code that will compile and execute without errors.

License EULA: "Your question is answered in a few hours to 1-2 work days depending on business of our support team and scope of your question." Still waiting for a response.


After 'Start' or 'Reset' of the server in Azure, the Swagger page must be run one time (then closed) to avoid CorsOrigin errors.

ANZ Team:

It's been almost 3 weeks since I sent my project to you. Wondering what the ETA is for a solution?

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