Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "TimMackey"

When adding a new property of type 'enum', the drop-down list of enum types presents some of my custom enums and not others. All my enum files are in the same folder and are the same namespace in *.Core.Shared. How does RAD tool determine which enums to include in its drop-down list, and which enums to ignore?

Refresh.bat exports CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditXDto input) as export class CreateOrEditXDto implements ICreateOrEditXDto in 'service-proxies.ts' when run. This is correct.

I created a new public method in the same service, and used 'CreateOrEdit' as model - a method with a class containing multiple properties as the only parameter. All new files are in the same folders as the model method. However, the new method and parameter is not exported correctly in 'service-proxies.ts' - the new method is defined as a call with individual parameters for each of the class properties.

What additional information does Refresh.bat need to correctly export the class parameter of my new public method?

Version: 6.8.0 ASP.NET Core & Angular

Download and build the project. Unmodified. Styles do not appear to be applied. Browser console message: "Refused to apply style from '<URL>' because its MIME type ('') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled." No errors is log file. "Bundle & Minifier" and "Web Compiler" extensions are installed. cd to folder "*.Web.Public" and ran "npm run create-bundles" from command line. (Don't know how to "run Web Compiler" per #6527) Please advise.

Is there any way I can disable the Websockets DEBUG messages from appearing in the debug console window?

Starting connection using WebSockets transport
Connected to SignalR server!
Information: WebSocket connected to ws://localhost:22742/signalr?
enc_auth_token ...

If I need the info I will re-enable them.

Selecting newest, oldest, etc. sort order has no effect on the display order.

Refused to apply style from 'http://localhost:4200/node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/css/all.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.

...message is displayed in Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 browser debug console, and icons are not visible for AspNetZereo release 6.4.0. AspNetZero release 6.2.0 does not display this message and all icons are visible.

I read the other 3 issues related to this, and was unable to apply any of those solutions to solving my issue. Starting with a clean database does not solve the issue either. I've also attempted other solutions found in places like github and stackoverflow - without success. The issue is related to "pro" icons only. Non-pro icons display normally.

What is required to fix this issue?

Version 6.2.0 Core 2.0 / Angular

Browser width: 1024 pixels:

Browser width: 1025 pixels:

I want to create many new db entities, which will linked to each other with foreign keys. How can I get existing Abp entities (like Tenant) and my custom entities to appear in the list to "Add New Navigation Property"?

I like the layout and operation of ASP.NET Zero and ASP.NET Boilerplate documentation pages, with page selection column on the left, and section within the page selection column on the right. I'd like to use the same layout for documenting my app. Is this based on a package I can obtain from a vendor or community? Better still, can you incorportate a few sample web pages into the ASP.NET Zero app in a future release?

I used the Power Tool to create an entity. I am able to add a record in my table using the GUI generated when I am logged in.

I have a new registration form, and I want to add a record in my table at registration time - before the user has logged in. In method 'public async Task<RegisterTenantOutput> RegisterTenant(RegisterTenantInput input)' I call the 'CreateOrEdit' method of 'IInstitutionsAppService', as follows:

                    await _institutionsAppService.CreateOrEdit(
                        new TtmDataModel.Dtos.CreateOrEditInstitutionDto()
                            DomainName = emailDomain,
                            InstitutionName = institutionName,
                            TenantId = tenant.Id,
                            IsSet_ = 0,
                            Id = null,

Invoking the method results in an Exception being thrown. Exception.message: "Current user did not login to the application!"

Can you direct me to the documentation that will explain how to create and edit my custom table records without the user being logged in? Or if there is no documentation, please explain how to accomplish this objective. Thank you.

Showing 71 to 80 of 113 entries