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Activities of "TomLeonard"

expiriencing the same issue after 7.1 upgrade (yarn + core + angular)

I'm experiencing the same error after 7.1 migration (Core + Angular). I'm using yarn with empty node_modules folder. package,json has only 2 additional items "devextreme": "19.1.4", "devextreme-angular": "19.1.4" Could you advice is it devexpress, angular or aspnetzero issue?

Thank you for the reposnses.... they made me think aboutt possible issues. I was getting 404's and could only see the docs repo, even though I was already part of the Github group. I went back to my original invitation and 're-accepted' and voila' , 5 repos. Looks like my GitHub invite expired for some reason. Thanks guys!

This is a long shot, but I was thinking that someone else must be considering of how to solve this;

The Xamarin ASPNZ app is a nice start and handles much of the Async traffic and authentication. I am embarking on replicating the main dashboard of my app space in the Xamarin app . There is no sense in replicating controls and using API's to bind them as the ASP core app is very responsive. Except for the grids, they seem to render well on most mobile device (the grids do have some issues on droid phones) I can’t see a reason to replicate this with native or XF controls.

So, my approach is to allow the main dashboard to render inside a WebView control implemented inside the APSNZ Xamarin client appl. Several issues arise from this scheme;

  1. Stripping off duplicate headers (allow ASNZ client app to manage navigation)
  2. duplicate footers
  3. Push notifications
  4. managing screen call stack to ensure app does not go outside dashboard frames.
  5. Custom navigation ( I have an API scheme for this )

Anybody already thinking along these lines or see more issues with this that I just mentioned? Any input is welcome on this moving the Xam Client further along. Thanks!

I cant seem to find the Acme.PhoneBookDemo repo, anybody seen it ? Docs say it should be here ; Thanks!

Yes, I still must do this. I want to give them as much information as I can. I manipulated target version and then backed up to XF 3.X , with same result. So, at this point, I am 90% certain it’s a by-product of the S2019 image creation. I will post issue here to allow you to follow. Thanks again

I also created a sample stand alone Flurl app that behaves in same manner wehn biult from 2019.

yes, Thanks for the reply. I was able to revert back to 2017 as well and seem to fix the issue. LogCat gave me no further detials to help. I am investigating it further to try other targets, however all droid versions seem to behave the same. Thanks for the reply !

I am getting a FlurlHttpException axception whie making first https request in the ASPNZ Xamarin app. Taget mobiel devices is a Samsung S10+ running Android Version 9. (PIE). My minimum taget version is API level 23. The initial GET is to Azure, but throws exception before it even leaves phone, URL : https://????

short version exception : exception {Flurl.Http.FlurlHttpException: Call failed. Didn't find class "md53445bfa005abb70b0a2fcd6c25bc64be.AwaitableOkHttp_OkTaskCallback" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.????.Mobile-efnJv1yo0JoM5swt4qJ1-g==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.????.Mobile-efnJv1yo0JoM5swt4qJ1-g==/lib/arm64, /data/app/com.????.Mobile-efnJv1yo0JoM5swt4qJ1-g==/base.apk!/lib/arm64-v8a, /system/lib64]] GET https://???? ---> Java.Lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "md53445bfa005abb70b0a2fcd6c25bc64be.AwaitableOkHttp_OkTaskCallback" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar", zip file

Anynoe have any infight on this excpetion of suggestions appreciated.

Apologies, I sent before it was ready. I have 3 projects in my subscription. 2 of these are from an earlier subscription in 2016, and before I renewed. I have not re-created these in 2 years time. I renewed my subscription adn then create 'Vypin'. Since they are 2 different subscription periods and I dont use CentricSites and PerfectBI, would you allow me to remove the 2 un-used projects from my subscription ? So to summerize , I only currently use "Vypin " namsespace. the other 2, CentricSites and PerfectBI, are no longer in use and were realy just investigative projects before I used commercially. Thay are not deployed. Thanks in advanced. Tom Leonard

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