Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "URITECHNOLOGY"

Does zero provide training to developers as part of the support license?

If so, how do we get registered for that?

If not, are there online videos for training? If so how do we access them?

We have this site up on our staging server:

When we browse the site we see the path for the css and fonts does not include the /wrmginvoiceautomation to request the css and font files.

Currently the browser is requesting: The browser should be requesting:

The rest of the head section links for the bundles etc are putting in the "/wrimginvoiceautoamation/" in the path, but not the css and font files.

Where is the path for those resources configured in the application?

When we import users, we receive a notification which allows us to click the description to download the file summary. After a minute or so, the link is no good. I'm assuming this is because the cache is release? When this happens, a new tab opens with this JSON string: {"result":"Requested file does not exist!","targetUrl":null,"success":true,"error":null,"unAuthorizedRequest":false,"__abp":true}

So we want to know if we have some options to work around this user experience issue: 1. How can we stop the file from being 'released' from cache so it can be accessed forever? Or, 2. Can we create an 'expiration' on the notification so that it is deleted when the file is removed from cache so that the user does not have a bad experience clicking the link and viewing the JSON string. Or, 3. Can we create a modal alert to let the user know when they click the link that the notification window has expired and the user needs to retry the operation? (least best option)

We are utilizing the same workflow for a PDF export that we have built into our application. The user kicks off a job that is a long running process to create a set of PDF invoices. When these are ready, the user recieves a notification and can access the file from their notifications, however, just like the user import, after a minute or so, the link is no longer working and we get the JSON string.

Please advise.

We get support with our yearly license correct? I need support on this question ASAP.

Thank you this should get us looking in the right direction.

Also, do you know why we would be receiving multiple notifications for the same thing? It's like it's duplicating the same notification when the job finishes.


We are putting a lot of weight behind your solution to run much of our technology applications and we have question about managing updates.

I see that we can choose the version of zero when we purchase a new license.

My question is, if we have a portal in production that is a few years old, and a new version of zero becomes available. Is there a way to include the new versions of the packages/bundles, metronic theme, or even .NET core version into existing applications that we have in production?

Or, to ask it another way: Is there a way to roll in ALL the new features of a new version into an existing OLDER version of the solution so that we can build and deploy that out so as to stay as up-to-date as possible with the latest version of the zero solution and supporting technologies?

We are noticing that the password reset email will fail intermitently. We get a 500 internal sever error. We are leveraging the same service to send a confirmation email when the user submits a form and noticed that when the email confirmation from the form submit fails, so does the password reset email. Is there something that keeps that service 'alive' or can you point me in the right direction of how to troubleshoot this? We cannot recreate it consistently through testing, it seems to be sporadic.


//tried this but generated up to 4 notifications, none of them returned a file
//_appNotifier.MarketingInvoiceGenerated(input.User, file.FileToken, file.FileType, file.FileName);

//current implementation
if (file != null)
                _appNotifier.MarketingInvoiceGenerated(input.User, file.FileToken, file.FileType, file.FileName);
//tried this and it generates up to 3 notifications, some times the link works, sometimes not
//AsyncHelper.RunSync(async () => await _appNotifier.MarketingInvoiceGenerated(input.User, file.FileToken, file.FileType, file.FileName));

IN the appnotifier.cs page we have added: AppNotifier.cs

public async Task MarketingInvoiceGenerated(UserIdentifier argsUser, string fileToken, string fileType, string fileName)
            var notificationData = new LocalizableMessageNotificationData(
                new LocalizableString(

            notificationData["fileToken"] = fileToken;
            notificationData["fileType"] = fileType;
            notificationData["fileName"] = fileName;

            await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(AppNotificationNames.DownloadMarketingInvoices, notificationData, userIds: new[] { argsUser });


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