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Activities of "aaron"

Your original way works. configuration["AbpZeroLicenseCode"] returns null because:

  • You did configuration = GetConfiguration(); at the start of the method, way before you replaced IAppConfigurationAccessor.
  • The static method GetConfiguration() doesn't use IAppConfigurationAccessor. It's just a helper to get environment variables.

Did you run your application?


Well, doesn't the Host DB already exist?

  1. The usage sample works as-is. You messed up. Show some screenshots.
  2. updateAction is unrelated; let's not introduce complications at this point.

Is there any method to check if a request is coming from an Auhenticated user? Something such as IsUserAuthenticated....?

  1. Use the AbpAuthorize attribute:

Why don't you just use the appsettings.json in Test project?

Check error in Logs.txt.

  1. Did you add the using directive? Does JobLocation implement ICreationAudited?
  2. It's just copy-paste. But if you have no idea how it works, why do you want to implement it?
  1. Put it in a new file in your .Core project.
  2. _repository can be your _jobLocationRepository.
  3. Try to implement updateAction yourself. It's literally 2 lines to change.

So only the last SetBasePath matters, as it's only used on Build. Why don't you just use the appsettings.json in Test project?

It should be StanchionWebHostModule in your project.

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