You need to inherit FullAuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey, User>:
public class BankAccount : FullAuditedEntity<int, User>
Like the error suggests, try:
npm install typescript@'>=2.4.2 <2.5.0'
Can you inject IAbpSession try:
using (_abpSession.Use(user.TenantId, user.Id))
var checker = PermissionChecker.IsGranted(userIdentifier, true, new string[] { AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Contracts });
if (checker)
await SendContractsDashboard(user.TenantId.Value, user.Id);
Tip: Wrap your code in the following for formatting and readability:
[/code:1a4rnbf5] A shortcut is to highlight your code and click on the </> button in the formatting toolbar.
That's not how it works :)
Just download a fresh project from and it will build correctly.
Did you rename your project? If you did not, you can download a fresh project from and it will build correctly.
Try waiting.
What's the error?
Thanks for letting us know!
Can you try using Abp.Zero.EntityFrameworkCore; and ChangeAbpTablePrefix?