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Activities of "aaron"

it works ! But why am I obliged to add it ?

NotificationStore.InsertNotificationAsync calls SaveChangesAsync in using(_unitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null)). That's because NotificationInfo is MultiTenancySides.Host.

Since your AccountingCode hasn't been saved, ApplyAbpConcepts will try to set its audit properties (i.e. TenantId = 0). An error is thrown in CheckAndSetMustHaveTenantIdProperty because AccountingCode is IMustHaveTenant.

Therefore, you should call SaveChanges before SendMessageAsync.

  1. Is the current user a host user?
  2. Can you check if _unitOfWorkManager.SaveChanges() before SendMessageAsync works?
  3. Show the full stack trace.

Note: (await UserManager.GetUserByIdAsync((long)AbpSession.UserId)).ToUserIdentifier() can be simplified to AbpSession.ToUserIdentifier()

  1. You need to cascade soft deletes yourself.
  2. There is no way to hard-delete ISoftDelete entities.

What is the best way to remove all the other references to that Tenant? Should this just be a SQL script I need to generate?

Yes, you answered your own question with another question :)

The short answer is: You can't. You should use a domain service/manager instead. See detailed answers: Should I be calling an AppService from another AppService?

Thanks for letting us know!

I've added that solution to the same issue on GitHub:

You cannot modify the method signature to be async as DoWork is called synchronously.

Wrap your await method calls in AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => AsyncMethod(...)) like this:

if (AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => SettingManager.GetSettingValueForTenantAsync<bool>(...)))
    // ...

Thanks for letting us know!

In case anyone has the same issue, upgrade Z.EntityFramework.Extensions.EFCore to v2.0.8. Resolved here:


Hi Tommy, can you try Abp.EntityFramework v2.3.0?

Do the users belong to the same tenant as the current user? If not, you need to disable the filter:

using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
    // ...

Yes, so it is currently possible for the next code to be calculated before an insert is completed.

A quick fix is to lock with a private static _syncObj:

private static readonly object _syncObj = new object();

public async Task<Sample> CreateNewSample(Sample sample)
    // ...

    lock (_syncObj)
        AsyncHelper.RunSync(async () =>
            sample.Line = await GetNextChildCodeAsync(sample.ParentSampleId);

            // ...

            var insertedSample = await _sampleRepository.InsertAsync(sample);
            await CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChangesAsync();

Note that:

  • You must run synchronous code in lock.
  • Requests cannot no longer run in parallel.

A better alternative is to retrieve the next code from a singleton cache that has a lock, like in UserFriendsCache. Then, you can store the next code as a variable in the cache instead of reading from the database every time. You can try to implement that yourself.

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