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Activities of "aaron"

Hi Anwar, if I look where?

MVC uses camelCase names by default. This matches most JSON naming conventions, including ASP.NET Zero.

Kendo still uses PascalCase, thus the use of DefaultContractResolver. To use Kendo, define this in your ControllerBase:

public abstract class MyControllerBase : AbpController
    protected readonly JsonSerializerSettings KendoSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
        ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver()

and return this in Kendo-specific methods:

public class MyController : MyControllerBase
    public JsonResult GetAll([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
        var result = new DataSourceResult();
        return Json(result, KendoSerializerSettings);

No error log?

It's not clear what you mean. Views (.cshtml) are accessed through controller actions (a.k.a. methods). Your question seems to be asking about how ASP.NET works in general and not about this framework.

If you have 2 views, then you need one action for each:

public ViewResult Page1()
    return View();

public ViewResult Page2()
    return View();

and Page1.cshtml will contain:

<a asp-action="Page2">Go to Page 2</a>

If you mean pagination, i.e. display different items using the same view template, then you should accept one action:

public ViewResult Page(int num)
    return View(num);

and Page.cshtml will contain:

@model int
<h1>This is page @Model.</h1>

which can be accessed by app/tenant/view/store/page?num=1 and app/tenant/view/store/page?num=2.

Ah, since you're not using an interface, it won't be registered by convention. You should do self-registration.


I could no longer get it to work in VS2015 with the NETStandard.Library.NETFramework package nor the NuGet client 3.6 update.

How are you injecting iVend365RepositoryBase?


Is your VS version 15.3.5?

Check that you have the following in your module:

public override void Initialize()

Can you try calling unitOfWork.Complete?

using (var unitOfWork = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
    // ...

    // CurrentUnitOfWork.SaveChanges();
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