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Activities of "aaron"

It is fixed in v6.6.1.

To access the ASP<span></span>.NET Zero private GitHub repositories, invite yourself to become a member of the ASP<span></span>.NET Zero organization using your GitHub username:

Copy the query in GetOrganizationUnitsAsync and make this change:

- _organizationUnitRepository.GetAll()
+ _organizationUnitRepository.GetAllIncluding(ou => ou.Children)

Revert your change to find what went wrong.

Can you reproduce with a fresh download?

What did you change?


ClaimsAbpSession gets values from the claims on the fly. Please see the source code that has been linked for your convenience.

The sample code for adding a new property to session has also been provided in the Gist linked a little further up.


AbpSession doesn't use cookies. ABP is open source, so you can see the source code of ClaimsAbpSession.

public class ASAPTabsEntity : FullAuditedEntity
    // [ForeignKey("ASAPModulesEntitiesId")]
    public virtual ASAPModulesEntity ASAPModulesEntities { get; set; }
    public virtual int? PARENT_MODULE_ID { get; set; }

public class ASAPModulesEntity : FullAuditedEntity
    public virtual ICollection<ASAPTabsEntity> ASAPTabsEntities { get; set; }

It's determined by selectBestRoute in auth-route-guard.ts.

Do it in the Account controller, as you have found.

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