No issue.
See this SO question: How to solve npm install throwing fsevents warning on non-MAC OS?
Can you confirm if the changes to the UserClaimsPrincipalFactory class required to make the filtering work?
What gave you that impression?
Answered in aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate#3843.
ASP<span></span>.NET MVC 5.x: ASP<span></span>.NET Core:
Show code.
The purpose of a CORS preflight request is to check if the domain that the client is on is whitelisted...
It is not practical to list every component. Use Ctrl+F.
For MVC, you can see _Layout.cshtml.
No, because it is not a problem with ASP<span></span>.NET Zero or ABP.
It is fine, but will not work if you use multiple (tenant-specific) databases.
Demo project does not count toward your project limit. It is meant for you to try, so to prevent abuse, you are not allowed to use it for production.