Can you give a concrete example?
This seems to answer your question:
Can you give a concrete example?
How to solve the problem right now?
Just make the changes in login.component.html and login.component.ts.
Should I download the project again and replace the previous project? Then transfer the my codes to the new project?
How to migrate existing solution:
You can do it like this:
var propertyBlock = await _propertyBlockRepository.GetAsync(input.Id);
await _propertyBlockRepository.EnsurePropertyLoadedAsync(propertyBlock, p => p.Propertymaster);
This may make an additional call to the database.
var propertyBlock = await _propertyBlockRepository
.GetAllIncluding(p => p.Propertymaster)
.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == input.Id);
I couldn't reproduce that error with:
var tenant = new Tenant("", "")
Edition = new Edition()
var dto = ObjectMapper.Map<TenantLoginInfoDto>(tenant);
But you can try changing this line in CustomDtoMapper.cs:
- configuration.CreateMap<Edition, EditionInfoDto>().Include<SubscribableEdition, EditionInfoDto>();
+ configuration.CreateMap<Edition, EditionInfoDto>(MemberList.Source).Include<SubscribableEdition, EditionInfoDto>();
Show the error in Logs.txt.
What's the error?
Do this in YourWebCoreModule:
Duplicate of #4557@bcc77033-0cdd-4f7d-9925-e7b0f323505f
.NET Framework 4.6.1 on ASP.NET Core or MVC 5.x?
Answers were given for both.