Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "aaronwittman"

This is really funny. I got same error (After change my Solution name)

Check the logic in <a class="postlink" href=""> ... rHelper.cs</a>

Seems like its looking for fixed solution name, and assume it as the Root folder.

Change it to old Solution name fix this issue.

Thanks will try it out :)


Is it possible to create a session in a console app ( i.e web job). I have setup the module, bootstrapper and can call my application layer correctly if i disable [AbpAuthorize] as I have login working. But, this is enabled on lower level classes that I am using and do not want to turn this off.

I have gone through the examples and also have the webapi cookie based objects working but would like to use my application objects and not url calls via WebApi. Right now i cannot find a way to create the session and not sure if this can be done under a console app (without HTTP context) or if WebApi is the only or best practice approach.

My business case is that webjobs are needing to use my database methods that reside in the application tier.

Thanks alot for any advice :)

Great! please add - awittman

I am getting the same problem. Any advice on how to address this issue or if this has been fixed?

The url for githuib btw is also returning 404.

Yes, if you could please provide the change to replace the Mapper.CreateMap function as this no longer exists. I assume it will use the map method that exists on the class? Commenting this out and the issue below allows the application to run but getting anti forgery error on login.

Also getting an error on the usage of the clock provider?

protected override void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Use UTC clock. Remove this to use local time for your application. Clock.Provider = new UtcClockProvider();

Error CS1729 'UtcClockProvider' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments Web\Global.asax.cs 15 Active

Look forward to your reply :)

I have found that I should have changed the IdentityFrameworkClaimsAbpSession to ClaimsAbpSession and this now complies. Looking to understand the change for the mapper method.

private static void CreateMappingsInternal() { Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserEditDto>() .ForMember(dto => dto.Password, options => options.Ignore()) .ReverseMap() .ForMember(user => user.Password, options => options.Ignore()); }

Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserEditDto>()


I just updated all of the nuget references and project no longer complies :o Getting the following errors , any advice on what to change?

I also changed the Clock.SupportsMultipleTimezone from a method ? Is this correct?

Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'IdentityFrameworkClaimsAbpSession' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) Core\Runtime\Session\AspNetZeroAbpSession.cs 10 Active

Error CS0115 'AspNetZeroAbpSession.TenantId': no suitable method found to override Core\Runtime\Session\AspNetZeroAbpSession.cs 14 Active

Error CS1729 'IdentityFrameworkClaimsAbpSession' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments Core\Runtime\Session\AspNetZeroAbpSession.cs 29 Active

Error CS0117 'Mapper' does not contain a definition for 'CreateMap' Application\CustomDtoMapper.cs 29 Active


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