You don't have to include on application side If you do correct mapping between Dto and entities. Here is the example for your need:
// In Core Project
// Blog.cs
public class Blog : Entity
public const int MaxNameLength = 256;
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Post> Posts { get; set; }
// Post.cs
public class Post : Entity
public virtual Blog Blog { get; set; }
public int? BlogId { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
// In Application Project
// BlogDto.cs
public class BlogDto : EntityDto
public string Name { get; set; }
// PostDto.cs
public class PostDto : EntityDto
public string Content { get; set; }
// BlogWithPostsDto.cs
public class BlogWithPostsDto : BlogDto
public virtual IList<PostDto> Posts { get; set; }
// GetAllBlogsWithPostsInput.cs
public class GetAllBlogsWithPostsInput : IInputDto
public string Filter { get; set; }
// IBlogAppService.cs
public IBlogAppService : IApplicationAppService
Task<ListResultOutput<BlogWithPostsDto>> GetAllBlogsWithPosts(GetAllBlogsWithPostsInput input);
// BlogAppService.cs
public BlogAppService : MyApplicationAppServiceBase, IBlogAppService
private readonly IRepository<Blog> _blogRepository;
public BlogAppService(IRepository<Blog> blogRepository)
_blogRepository = blogRepository;
public async Task<ListResultOutput<BlogWithPostsDto>> GetAllBlogsWithPosts(GetAllBlogsWithPostsInput input)
var blogs = _blogRepository
.WhereIf(!input.Filter.IsNullOrEmpty(), b => b.Name.Contains(input.Filter))
return new ListResultOutput<BlogWithPostsDto>(blogs.MapTo<List<BlogWithPostsDto>>());
MenuItemDefinition's url must be same as name of state.
new MenuItemDefinition(
new LocalizableString("Reports", AppConsts.LocalizationSourceName),
url: "reports",
icon: "fa fa-line-chart"
.state('reports', {
url: '/reports',
templateUrl: '/App/Main/views/reports/reports.cshtml',
menu: 'Reports' //Matches to name of 'Reports' menu in AppNavigationProvider