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Activities of "abdourahmani"

Hi @alirizaadiyahsi

let me better explain my situation, using the audit logs page you mentioned.

As a response to clicking the magnifier button, I open a modal page containing a datatable. It's then that this error appears.

Best regards,


Hi all,

I've got this error when I put a radtool generated datatable into a modal view.


It only hapens in modal views.

Can somebody help ?

Best regards,


I build views using RadTool and every is ok. when I transform these view to be modal views, they run fine but the row "Actions" buttons on datatable are not playing it well. 1 - They don't open the dropdown menu until I remove "normalizePosition" as in below

<div class="btn-group dropdown" normalizePosition>

2 - But the dropdown menu hides behind the paginator

[attachment=1:7it25coa]menuClosed.png[/attachment:7it25coa] [attachment=0:7it25coa]menuOpen.png[/attachment:7it25coa]

Style overlay on the column doesn't help


Can somebody help me please ?

Best regards,


Hi @ismcagdas , SQL Server Management Studio's Query Profiler showed this query excuting successively 10s of time.

SELECT TOP(1) [u].[Id], [u].[AccessFailedCount], [u].[AuthenticationSource], [u].[ConcurrencyStamp], [u].[CreationTime], [u].[CreatorUserId], [u].[DeleterUserId], [u].[DeletionTime], [u].[EmailAddress], [u].[EmailConfirmationCode], [u].[GoogleAuthenticatorKey], [u].[IsActive], [u].[IsDeleted], [u].[IsEmailConfirmed], [u].[IsLockoutEnabled], [u].[IsPhoneNumberConfirmed], [u].[IsTwoFactorEnabled], [u].[LastLoginTime], [u].[LastModificationTime], [u].[LastModifierUserId], [u].[LockoutEndDateUtc], [u].[Name], [u].[NormalizedEmailAddress], [u].[NormalizedUserName], [u].[Password], [u].[PasswordResetCode], [u].[PhoneNumber], [u].[ProfilePictureId], [u].[SecurityStamp], [u].[ShouldChangePasswordOnNextLogin], [u].[SignInToken], [u].[SignInTokenExpireTimeUtc], [u].[Surname], [u].[TenantId], [u].[UserName]
FROM [AbpUsers] AS [u]
WHERE ((([u].[IsDeleted] = 0) OR ([u].[IsDeleted] <> @__IsSoftDeleteFilterEnabled_0)) AND (([u].[TenantId] = @__CurrentTenantId_1) OR (CASE
    WHEN [u].[TenantId] = @__CurrentTenantId_2
END = @__IsMayHaveTenantFilterEnabled_3))) AND ([u].[Id] = 2)

Regards, Abdourahmani

Hi @ismcagdas,

I can see nothing wrong in the logs file.

But I noticed hight ressources (disk, cpu, memory) consumption as captured here


Regards, Abdourahmani

Just to add that the project is built on ABP zero 5.2 (Angular 5 + core 2)


Hi, I also hit this error, but upgrading abp-ng2-module to is 2.1.0 doesn't help.

After the logging, if the authentication is ok, the login screen is replaced by spinner with stay for a very long time.

then this screen is displayed :


and there's no way to through this.

Please help.



I added it to : angular\src\app\shared\layout\layout.less

Isn't it correct ?

Regards, Abdourahmani


Hi ! When I set it to size greater than 250px (like in the code below) the menu covers the work space (see picture 1)

   width: 300px

[attachment=0:g6z52tw0]nav menu crops.jpg[/attachment:g6z52tw0]

And what about the dropdown menu (when the sidebar is minimized) ? How can it ajust it too?

Best regards, Abdourahmani


Thanks !

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