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Activities of "adam.langley"

It appears that the Project Name that is chosen during project generation, is utilized throughout localization code, such as XML files for messages. This is not a great choice, as the Project Name is usually an internal moniker, that is development friendly, not exposed to the customer. The product name is something else entirely, based on marketing choices.

The Project Name leaks through to the user interface in localized messages. Can you please implement something to allow us to control what product name appears in the various localization resources?


Have 2 text inputs in your project generator website, one for the project name (as you do today), which is utilised for the licensing, and another called "Product Name", which is used in the user interface elements, and can be changed at any time without affecting licensing.


Hi @ismcagdas - can we please not close this until a trackable backlog item has been produced that I can follow? It's kind of a critical feature, given the fact it makes user visible messages make no sense - customer is asking... "what's this WMW thing??"

I just get this error when searching here:

I have written an IAsyncActionFilter which needs to access the UOW after the Controller has executed its action.

My ActionFilter consumes IDbContextProvider<ProductDbContext> so that I can call "GetDbContext" after the inner action has executed.

When I do so however, I get:

System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'unitOfWork') at Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Uow.UnitOfWorkExtensions.GetDbContext[TDbContext](IActiveUnitOfWork unitOfWork, Nullable`1 multiTenancySide, String name)

I expect this is before my filter is scheduled to "wrap" the UOW filter - meaning that the UOW is not available when my filter starts, and the UOW has already been disposed by the time my filter regains control.

How do I get my filter to execute in the correct order?



Can you be more specific please? Your suggestion is similar to what I saw in ABP docs, however the only reference I found, similar to "AddAbp" was in my Web.Host/Startup.cs:

//Configure Abp and Dependency Injection
return services.AddAbp<WmwWebHostModule>(options =>

However, the "options" being passed here does not have a "Filters" property, or anything where I can call "Filters.Add" or "AddService".

So, the following 2 snippets are what I tried (both had the same results, the filter ran, but could not obtain a DbContext)

Hi there,

Thanks for the extra details. The error still occurs. The following code cannot be called inside an IAsyncActionFilter.OnActionExecutionAsync without generating a null ref error.

var _dbContext = _dbContextProvider.GetDbContext();

I'm getting "" search results coming up while Im trying to researching topics on my ASP.NET Zero site.

I'd like to know, it appears that ABP and aspnetboilerplate are both Volosoft (as are their paid counterparts) - what is the difference between ABP them all?


Hi @Maliming - thanks for that explanation.

I'm more interested, however, in the difference between the 2 apparently similar streams - ABP vs ZERO?

Why would I use "Zero" vs "ABP Commercial" or vice versa? Why do 2 apparently overlapping paid solutions exist?

Hi @ismcagdas and @maliming,

This is all great and pertinent information for those evaluating these platforms. I'd love to see a page on both the Zero and ABP sites to hold this information - it's not entirely clear at first blush why one would choose one over the other, but the information you have provided here clears up the confusion.



I got this to work, now I want to package this into a Module. How now do I get access to the "Services" collection from inside an AbpModule to I can register the filter?

// how can I get access to "services" within AbpModule.Initialize, or PostInitialize... etc? services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options => { options.Filters.Add(typeof(YourFilter)); });


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