Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "adevell"

Hi All,

As always, great framework! And very helpful, informative, and instructional coding patterns.

For the past year+ we have been developing a number of mobile apps that leverage an ASP.Net Zero based platform, operating on several server farms, as the backend. For the most part it works brilliantly. However, mobile app launch and user logins are steadily getting slower. As the platform grows, mobile app launch and logins require an increasing amount of time. Our largest mobile app now requires upwards of 60 seconds to launch. We eventually determined the primary cause for the lengthy launch and login times are the 1-2 GetAll calls per launch and/or login. GetAll calls are now ranging from 4 seconds to 39 seconds (screenshot of example calls attached). The more recent 30+ second calls have required a bump in the AbpClient FlurlClient/HttpClient TimeOut parameter, increased from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

Have others experienced this phenomena? Is there a known quick fix? We are considering two solutions; 1) Caching GetAll results locally on mobile apps for immediate use while executing a background update call; 2) Rewrite GetAll method and supporting dependencies to better leverage cached data.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Is there an easy way to configure and support OAuth refresh tokens in Asp.Net Boilerplate and/or Module Zero?

Currently, within the WebAPI Account Controller, the access token expiration is set for 20 minutes. I would like to leave the access token expiration at 20 minutes (or less), while configuring refresh token expiration for 2-3 months.

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