Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "adudley"

When I'm making calls to a respository from a background job, the tenantId is always null. I've tried including the tenantId in the where clause

e.g. _roleRepository.GetAll().Where(r => r.TenantId == args.TenantId);

My understanding though, is that this where is considered after abp has already filtered the data on the tenantId. Therefore, it will never find anything as all the data it's searching will have a tenantId of null.

Is there a way I can set the tenantId the repositories are using within the background job class itself?

Thanks in advance.

(ASP.NET Core & Angular)

While "Web.Host" is running, start a new instance of the project in the test folder called "ConsoleApiClient" - you will observe that it is able to successfully obtain an access token:

However, when attempting to access an API endpoint i.e. "GetUsers" - we keep getting the following error :

If we continue execution, the requested data is received:

Moreover, we have deployed a site to Azure and created a new console application for accessing the API. However, we keep receiving "InternalServerError" where the above issue occurs.

Does anyone have any ideas on this? Given that the provided console application throws the same error, we suspect there's an underlying issue in ASP.NET Zero itself. Of course, it could be something simple we've missed :)


Could you help with this, when this is running locally (Asp net zero, version 7.0 Angular) all works.

But when published to Azure app service, it dosn't work.

What it does is generate the notification, but the download of the zip file is a 404.

any help appreciated.


Hi. could you point me to the bug/fix for the badge missing.

I notice now in your demo site, we do have the circle showing over the top of the 'bell' icon showing there are notifications.

This feature dosn't work in 7.0 on angular.

Ideally, if you could point to the missing code/lines then we could add this to our 7.0 without a full upgrade for now.


Hello, I am currently attempting to complete the PhoneBook tutorial (Core + Angular) using the single project on VS 2017. I’m hitting a problem at the point where I have to delete a Person and the problem seems to be that the client and server are not in sync.

I have gone through my code twice and even compared it to the github demo. Everything is the same but I receive the error:

TS2339 (TS) Property 'id' does not exist on type 'PersonListDto'.

Which is occurring at phonebook.component.ts:

deletePerson(person: PersonListDto): void {
            isConfirmed => {
                if (isConfirmed) {
                    this._personService.deletePerson( => {
                        _.remove(this.people, person);

If I look at service-proxies.ts, PersonListDto does not contain an ‘id’ attribute. It looks like this:

export class PersonListDto implements IPersonListDto {
    name!: string | undefined;
    surname!: string | undefined;
    emailAddress!: string | undefined;

    constructor(data?: IPersonListDto) {
        if (data) {
            for (var property in data) {
                if (data.hasOwnProperty(property))
                    (<any>this)[property] = (<any>data)[property];

    init(data?: any) {
        if (data) {
   = data["name"];
            this.surname = data["surname"];
            this.emailAddress = data["emailAddress"];

    static fromJS(data: any): PersonListDto {
        data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
        let result = new PersonListDto();
        return result;

    toJSON(data?: any) {
        data = typeof data === 'object' ? data : {};
        data["name"] =;
        data["surname"] = this.surname;
        data["emailAddress"] = this.emailAddress;
        return data; 

I ran refresh.bat successfully after restarting the server side project as the demo explains and deleting the person on the client side works just fine. Is the refresh.bat file not updating correctly?


would you be able to point me in the right direction, or preferrably to some code that

For Asp.NetCore

  1. starts a console app
  2. loads up all the apb IoC stuff
  3. enables entity framework entities that already exist as part of the standard template, along with the Core (domain) layer so I can put common code to use
  4. Reads anything from any table as an example or call some common Core code that reads.

I've looked in a few places. but can't quite see how this fits together yet.


is that the answer, to re-create the entity model? like in the AbpEfConsoleApp ?

thanks for your help

Hi can you resolve my github request, i still don't have access to the private repositories (after adding my username under manage on your website)


Hi There

having just downloaded 6.3.1, the lib folder is missing, so all the java files are missing for the web project.

Here are some screenshots..

for the public website, it looks like this

so, I just can't figure out how to get the packages to download.

I read here: (problem 3)

however, how do I run gulp manually?

I've tried a restore packaged on the npm folder (which isn't bower, but the dependancies are all in npm rather than bower in the mvc app).

Thanks for your assistance.

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